  • 期刊


Evaluating the Preliminary Achievements of the Global Budgeting Payment System from the Perspective of Primary Care Physicians in Central Taiwan




Objectives: The objectives of this study are to discuss the primary care physicians' evaluation of the impacts on physician organization following the implementation of the global budgeting system (including peer review, promoting professional autonomy, ensuring income, rationalizing the auditing system, improving quality of care, and improving the physician-patient relationship) and the agreement upon a discount for high-volume services and the budget combination between primary and hospital outpatient accounts. Methods: This study adopted the survey method of a self-designed structured questionnaire. It used the stratified systematic sampling method to select 200 western medicine clinics in central Taiwan from a total of 1715 clinics on February 23, 2003. Finally 144 valid responses were received with a response rate of 72%. Results: Results show that the agreement on the improvements in professional autonomy, peer pressure, rationality of utilization review, and secured income is relatively high. However, the agreement on the improving quality of care and improving the physician-patient relationship is relatively low. Half of the physicians agreed to adopt a discount for over-the-ceiling income physicians, but less than 20% of the physicians agreed with a lump sum budget combining the primary care and hospital outpatient sectors. Conclusions: This study found that physician organizations tend to adopt protective strategies rather than efficiency strategies for primary care global budgeting system. This study suggests that the physician organization should utilize accumulated information to build a more comprehensive quality improvement system, and try to reach a trade-off between ensuring member's interests and improving efficiency when reimbursement values progressively dropping.


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