  • 期刊


Performance Effectiveness of community-based Diabetic Groups in Districts of Taiwan




Objectives: Community-based groups for diabetic patients were initiated by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health (DOH) in Taiwan. DOH invited an NGO to assist and empower these groups. The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance effectiveness of these community-based groups. Methods: The questionnaire in this study was designed by the Bureau of Health Promotion and distributed to the Bureau of Health in each city and county. These, in turn, asked community-based diabetic groups to complete the questionnaire. The Data Envelopment Analysis model was applied to evaluate performance effectiveness. The input items included the number of diabetic patients and their family members who had adhered to self-management behaviors. The output items included physical activity, healthy eating, body weight control, and blood sugar monitoring. For patients only, glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) monitoring was done. Results: There were 57 efficient groups out of the 320 community-based groups. The efficiency scores were almost all between 41% and 70%. The self-management behaviors that should be reinforced for diabetic patients were body weight control and healthy eating, while for families with risk factors it was blood sugar monitoring. Conclusions: The evidence for performance effectiveness was robust and there were differences among districts.


行政院衛生署國民健康局:台灣糖尿病防治推動現況與展望。http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw/bhpnet/ portal/Them_Show.aspx?Subject=200712250014&Class=2&No=200712250083。引用2008/11/15
Albarran, NB,Ballesteros, MN,Morales, GG,Ortega, MI(2006).Dietary behavior and type 2diabetes care.Patient Educ Counsel.61,191-199.
