  • 期刊

Xylene exposure on auditory function among adults in selected occupational settings: a systematic review



A review study was conducted to examine potential adverse effects of xylene and xylene mixtures on the auditory system in workers employed in various settings. Utilizing internet-based databases EBSCO and PubMed, we searched peer-reviewed articles focusing on human subjects, published in English language, and spanning a 30 year time period (1985-2015). Studies included peer review full papers, case control studies, and case reports. Animal studies were excluded from the final analysis. Initial search results identified 56 studies. From studies meeting the inclusion criteria, the following data were extracted: publication date, study design, sample size, exposure setting and chemical, assessment method, and outcome. Six journals were retrieved for detailed examination. After detailed examination, six studies were included in the review. Studies were further subdivided into investigations related to xylene only (n=3) and investigations related to xylene mixed with other organic solvents (n=3), with or without the association of noise. As a whole, the results range from moderate associations between xylene or xylene mixtures and hearing, to altered hearing loss due to xylene and other confounders, such as aging, gender, and noise. Exposure to excessive noise, both in and out of the worksite, may contribute to decreased hearing in workers. However, findings suggest public health and medical professionals should be made aware of the future research needs pertaining to hearing dysfunction from occupational xylene exposure. It is recommended xylene-exposed individuals be routinely monitored for signs of auditory impairment; along with the implementation of pertinent industrial hygiene controls.


xylene ototoxicity hearing human exposure




二甲苯 耳毒性 聽力 人體暴露


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