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Fruit and vegetable consumption behavior and its influencing factors among college students: a survey at a University of Technology in Hsinchu County




Objectives: Fruit and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. College age is a crucial period of development and formalization in personal behavior, and the perceived health status (PHS) of college students may influence their health-promoting behavior. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the factors of fruit and vegetable consumption behavior of college students by understanding their fruit and vegetable consumption profile and PHS. Methods: We enrolled 403 students from a university of technology in Hsinchu county by using stratified sampling and a self-administered questionnaire. We received 375 valid questionnaires with an effective rate of 93.1%. Results: The daily vegetable and fruit consumption of participants which met the recommendation were only 1.6% and 8%, respectively. Less than half the participants meet the fruit and vegetables consumption recommendation for more than three days per week. The PHS of the participants was relatively positive. They had the highest PHS score for interpersonal interaction and the lowest score for emotional status. Male participants and those with low income and high score for life adjustment of PHS had fewer weekly recommendation-meeting days of fruit and vegetable consumption. The participants with low income and high score for interpersonal interaction of PHS had inadequate daily servings of vegetables. Underclassman, those in off-campus housing, and those scoring high in interpersonal interaction and low in emotional status of PHS had inadequate daily servings of fruit. Conclusions: We suggest that the health education for the students who are require improvement in their fruit and vegetable consumption behavior should be planned preferentially and be supported by their social group.


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