  • 期刊


Implementing a surveillance system to control epidemics of infectious diseases: an empirical study on dengue fever in Taiwan


目標:對台灣各縣市衛生行政機關之防疫人員做實證調查,對於登革熱監測系統的導入與使用行為,分析其關鍵影響因素及阻力。方法:採用結構式問卷調查法,以解構式計畫行為理論為核心,並加入組織互動、任務特性等外部變數建立完整研究概念架構。在資料分析上,透過統計軟體SPSS 22.0進行敘述性統計,包括信度和效度分析。另外,藉由統計軟體Smart PLS 3.2進行路徑分析及模型預測力估計。結果:母體數目為782人,共回收有效問卷388份,回收率為50.63%。包括知覺有用與知覺易用等11個假設構面對使用行為與意圖有顯著影響(p<0.01)。結論:本研究模型對影響衛生單位導入及公共衛生防疫人員使用登革熱監測系統使用意圖之因素解釋力為47.1%。本研究結果將有助於釐清與支持公共衛生單位導入監測系統之關鍵影響因素。


Objectives: This empirical study analyzes the key factors influencing the implementation and use of the dengue fever surveillance system in Taiwan by conducting a survey for the epidemic prevention staff in Taiwanese public health administration. Methods: We use a structural questionnaire survey and consider the decomposed theory of planned behavior to be the core theoretical foundation. To build a more complete research framework, we add external variables, accounting for organizational interaction and task characteristics, to the core theoretical foundation. Descriptive statistics are obtained and reliability and validity tests are conducted using SPSS v22.0. In addition, we use Smart PLS v3.2 to conduct a path analysis and estimate the power of the predictive model. Results: The study has 782 samples, with 388 valid questionnaires and a response rate of 50.63%. The results indicate that 11 hypotheses, including perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, significantly affect the behavior and intent of use (p < .01). The 11 hypotheses proposed in our research framework have positive correlations. Conclusions: The empirical model proposed in this study has a good explanatory power of 47.1%. Our findings help identify key factors affecting the implementation and use of the dengue fever surveillance system by public health administration staff members in Taiwan.


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