  • 期刊


Physical health, mental health, and social engagement in relation to awareness of and willingness to utilize Long-Term Care 2.0 Services among middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan: latent class analysis


目標:台灣在2018正式邁入高齡社會,如何建立合適且有效率的長期照護制度,是未來重要課題。本研究探討影響台灣中老年人身心健康及社交參與之潛在類別與長照2.0 ABC服務據點及日間照顧、居家服務之認知與使用意願之因子。方法:使用衛福部2017年之老人狀況調查檔,採用55歲以上之樣本以潛在類別分析法將中老年人身心狀況與社交參與之異質性進行潛在類別分組,接著再以logistic迴歸進行分析。結果:相對於潛在類別身心相對健康組,屬於身心相對不健康具輕度日常生活活動障礙與身心不健康具日常生活活動障礙少社交組之個體,較不知道且未來有需要也較不會使用長照2.0等服務。結論:研究結果顯示長照2.0服務推廣之目標族群為具有身心不健康、日常生活活動障礙及少社交等特性,因此可藉由各式媒體及活動的推廣及協助申請相關服務窗口的設立讓對長照服務有需求的族群瞭解並易於申請長照2.0服務,冀望藉由長照2.0服務的推廣與使用對其健康餘命有正面影響,也對其照顧者提供了喘息的機會。


Objectives: Taiwan officially became an aging society in 2018. Therefore, a context-appropriate and robust long-term care (LTC) system must be established. This study explores physical health, mental health, and social engagement in relation to Taiwanese middle-aged and older adults' awareness of and willingness to utilize LTC 2.0 services such as the community-based integrated care system (ABC system) and day or home care services. Methods: Analyzing data from the 2017 Senior Citizen Condition Survey, this study applied latent class analysis to identify the latent classes in physical health, mental health, and social engagement and conducted logistic regression to investigate the relationships of each class with LTC 2.0 services. Results: The results indicate that people in the class who have relatively poor physical and mental health, a low level of impaired mobility, and in the class who have poor physical and mental health, impaired mobility, and a low level of social activity are more unaware of and unlikely to use LTC 2.0 services if necessary than people in the class who have favorable physical and mental health. Conclusions: Our results indicated that LTC 2.0 services should be promoted among individuals who have poor physical and mental health, impaired mobility, and a low level of social activity. Uptake and awareness can be increased by promoting LTC 2.0 services through media platforms and by streamlining the care application process. The use of LTC 2.0 services are expected to increase life expectancy and reduce the burden on caregivers.


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