

開車門不慎碰撞車輛或路人造成的交通意外傷害,常被疏忽。本報告蒐集了台北縣某區域教學醫院急診科自2000年1月至2001年12月二年內在急診室遇到的這一類型的意外傷害共90例。這其中男性佔43%、女性佔57%,年齡由6-77歲,平均年齡38.7歲。以30-39歲一組為最多佔30%,若以20-49歲計算則佔71%。 常發生時段為中午11點至1點共19例(21%)。因騎機車被碰撞有71例,加上機車後座乘客7人共78人(佔86%)。騎單車者有10例(11%),行人及開車門的司機本身受傷各1人。 四肢挫裂傷者83人,臉部裂傷需縫合者10人、腦震盪13人、骨折11人、需要住院做內固定手術者4人、顱內血腫需開顱手術者1人,此一病人係因騎腳踏車未戴安全帽所致。所有機車騎士及其乘客均有戴安全帽,故未有頭皮撕裂傷或顱內血腫。 本報告顯示因開車門不慎造成的交通意外其產生的後果不容忽視。因此提出報告並就其產生的原因和社會背景作了分析,以提醒社會和政府部門的重視。


Traffic accidents caused by the careless opening of a car door are not an uncommon matter as this paper depicts, but unfortunately they have generally been neglected. We were unable to find any English literature on this topic, nor has it been reported in Chinese journals in Taiwan at all. Herein is a report of 90 cases which occurred during the period between January 2001 and December 2002. Among them, 43% were male, 57% female. A ages varied from 6 to 77 years old, with a mean age of 38.7 years. The group between 30 and 39 years accounted for 30% of them. Nineteen cases (21%) occurred around noon time (11:00-13:00). Seventy-eight patients were motor cyclists or their passengers (7 cases). Ten patients were bicyclists. The other 2 were a pedestrian and the driver of a car. Most of the injured suffered from multiple contusion and abrasive wounds over the limbs and trunk. Ten patients had lacerations of the face that required cosmetic surgery. A mild brain concussion was seen in 13 patients. Four of 11 patients who suffered from various bone fracture had to be admitted to the hospital for open reduction and internal fixation. Only 1 patient who was on a bicycle with no helmet when the accident occurred had a cranioto-my performed because of intracranial hemorrhage. No mortality was seen in this series. An analysis of this phenomenon and its social background are discussed herein. In conclusion, we ask that more attention be paid to these accidents from government agencies, administrators and social organizations.
