  • 期刊

Adult Acute Epiglottitis Caused by Kiebsiella Pneumoniae: A Case Report



急性會厭炎是罕見且對生命具有威脅性的感染疾病,會造成嚴重感染且呼吸道突然阻塞導致死亡。我們遇有一位三十八歲男性病患表現急性會厭炎,病患有表現發燒,喉嚨痛,吞嚥疼痛,呼吸困難一天。C-reactive protein及白血球均升高。經確定呼吸道無礙後,照側面的頸部X光表現會厭炎。使用軟式支氣管鏡確認診斷。血液及喉嚨細茵培養均發現克雷白氏肺炎菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)。病患接受治療包括氧氣,注射抗生素及類固醇,給予吸入式類固醇及腎上腺素。經積極治療後病患的症狀改善且無併發症,五天後平安出院。


Acute epiglottiits is a rare but potentially life-threatening infection and respiratory emergency as it may result in sudden airway obstruction and death. We present a case of acute epiglottiits in a 38 year-old man, who suffered from fever and sore throat followed by odynophagia and dyspnea for one day. There was an increased C-reactive protein and a slightly elevated white cell count. After the airway was secured, a lateral neck radiograph revealed a swollen epiglottis which was confirmed by direct visualization with a fibreotic laryngoscope. Blood and throat cultures yielded Klebsiella pneumoniae. He was given supplementary oxygen and intravenous administration of 1.5gm of ampicillin/sulbactam and 80mg of methyl-prednisolone every six hours. Inhaled 40mg of methylprednisolone and 0.5ml of adrenaline (0.5ml of 1:1000 diluted to 5ml of 0.9% saline) were also given for swollen epiglottis. His symptoms improved with aggressive treatment and he was discharged after 5 days without complications.


adult epiglottitis Klebsiella pneumoniae
