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An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Green Innovation Adoption and Organizational Environmental Performance under Stakerholders Perspective: The Model of LISREL


本研究以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)嘗試建構以利害相關人為前因之綠色創新的採行與組織環境績效之關係。本研究將綠色創新的採行分為綠色技術創新的採行和綠色行政管理創新的採行等二個構面;將利害相關人分為內部的、社經的與市場的等三類;將環境績效分為環境管理績效、環境作業績效等二個構面。 本研究以台灣地區於2000年12月底獲得ISO 14001驗證的化學材料業、化學品製造業、電子、資訊與通訊業以及精密機械製造業等廠家為抽樣構架進行實證研究。從235份有效樣本中研究發現:內部的、社經的與市場的利害相關人顯著正向影響企業綠色創新的採行;綠色創新的採行顯著正向影響企業的環境管理績效、作業績效;而作業績效愈高的企業其環境管理績效也愈高。


By structural equation modeling, the purpose of this study, therefore, attempts to present a framework that synthesizes the relationship of green innovation adoption and organizational environmental performance under stakerholders perspective. This research divides the adoption of green innovation into the adoption of green technical innovation and the adoption of green administrative innovation. Meanwhile, this study divides the stakeholders into three categories those are inside, socio-economy and market stakeholders. Also, this paper divides the environmental performance into managerial and operational performance. The samples taken in this study are mainly from Taiwan's four manufacturing sectors which have earned the ISO-14001 certificates prior to the end of 2000. In 235 valid samples, our empirical results indicate that the adoption of green innovation has apparently positive correlation with inside, socio-economy and market stakeholders. This study also finds that the adoption of green innovation has apparently positive effect on managerial and operational performance. Operational performance has apparently positive influence on managerial performance.


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張麗琴(2008)。應用模糊決策分析環保及經營績效之研究 —以台灣電機電子產業為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00051
