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How to Improve the Outcomes of Online Learning: An Emergent Perspective of Communities of Practice


主流線上學習研究的技術理性黑箱觀點,從提供更多樣性的電腦媒介溝通或平台技術等「虛擬學習社群設計」,提高線上的互動,期能降低疏離退縮與退出、提高學習成效,但是文獻中這麼做的效果並不穩定。本研究主張,「社群設計」並不等同於「社群真實浮現」,由社群設計到學習成效間存在著好幾層的社會性與動態性影響因素。唯有在我們脫離黑箱觀點,漸次釐清與區分出這中間不同層次的不同構念,方能發展出更具概化性與穩定性的線上學習理論。 本研究區別出線上互動行為、PBL適應、專業社群認同與學習成效等不同層次的不同構念,並以實證研究驗證這些構念的因果影響途徑。實證結果大體支持我們所提出的假說:線上互動行為、PBL適應與專業社群認同皆為影響學習成效的重要因素,專業社群認同則為前二者(線上互動行為、PBL適應)影響學習成效之重要中介途徑,其中,PBL適應對專業社群認同的影響力比線上互動行為還要高。線上互動行為PBL適應之間則無顯著的因果關連。本研究亦探討了技術理性黑箱觀點之不足、區分不同層次構念對理論發展之重要性、典範觀點的正當性、以及發展線上實務社群對專業學習的意涵。


Fading back or withdrawing, high drop-out rates, and in-stability effects of online learning are three often heard problems in the literatures of online education. The technical-rationality perspective tend to solve these complex problems by adopting information technologies such as computer-mediated communication medium and design of a learning community to increase the level of interactivity, and hopefully may improve learning outcomes. Unfortunately, designing a virtual community may not necessarily lead to building of an active and live community. In this respect, several social and dynamic constructs across different levels of analysis are proposed to explain better correlates of interactivity and outcomes of online learning. This paper explores alternative models or effects of interactivity, identity in professional community, and adaptation to project-based learning (PBL) on outcomes of online learning. Results of the empirical study generally support our hypothesis as follows. Interactivity, identity in professional community, and adaptation to PBL all correlate positively and significantly with outcomes of online learning. However, stronger effects of adaptation to PBL on outcomes of online learning are found comparing with those of interactivity. Adaptation to PBL is not correlated with interactivity. Identity in professional community mediates between interactivity and outcomes of online learning, and between adaptation to PBL and outcomes of online learning. We discuss further the implications of the findings for future studies.


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