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Is the Risk of Bankruptcy a Systematic Risk in Japan?




Whether the distress risk can be fully proxied by the book-to-market effect is controversial. Firstly, using the Altman's (1968) Z (AZ) and Shirata's (1998) Z (CZ) to measure the bankruptcy risk of stocks listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Secondly, following Dichev (1998), this paper whether the bankruptcy risk is a systematic risk. Our results demonstrate that, with the measure of AZ, the bankruptcy risk, compensated by higher returns, is indeed a systematic risk. Although the explanatory power of AZ is not as good as the book to market (BM) and market equity, the high returns on firms with high bankruptcy risks cannot be fully captured by BM and market equity. CZ is however not a good measure of the bankruptcy risk and plays no role in explaining stock returns.


bankruptcy risk market equity BM Altman's Z Shirata's Z


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