  • 期刊


The Writing Style of the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Development of Historical Writing: A Historical Perspective




春秋 書法 古典 今典 歷史書寫


With regards to the meaning behind the Spring and Autumn Annals in terms of studies on the Confucian Classics and historiography, there has long been debate in the history of learning on the ”writing of the Sage (Confucius)”. However, the present essay takes the historical situation of the writing style of the Spring and Autumn Annals into consideration from the view of the consciousness found in historical writings. Of the resulting observations, the first is that the writing style evident here had already existed before the Spring and Autumn Annals, for it originally had been; the model for the style of Chu Liang. Whether it be the annals of the kingdom of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Annals or the Spring and Autumn Annals of Confucius, the consciousness of the writing style therein contain traditional elements that could not have been produced out of thin air. Second, The Analects of Confucius, which specifically records the sayings of Confucius, refers to the Five Classics, but makes no mention about the Spring and Autumn Annals. Whether not, it reflects a form of acknowledgement on the part of the compiler in terms of Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals. This form of acknowledgement in the academic environment of the Han Dynasty is obviously difficult to conceive. Third, regarding Mencius' claim with certainty as to the purpose of Confucius in writing Spring and Autumn Annals, when he refers to historical matters, he never quoted from classic text of the Spring and Autumn Annals, as if he had never even seen this classic. Rather, the historical writing that he quotes from in the Commentary of Tsuo and other historical events reveals something different from the format in Spring and Autumn Annals. Fourth, other pre-Ch'in philosophers who mention the name ”Spring and Autumn” usually do not refer to the Spring and Autumn Annals of Confucius. When they quote from historical events, their style of writing is natural and different from that of the Spring and Autumn Annals. Fifth, and finally, such ancient historians of profound achievement as Ssu-ma Ch'ien and Pan Ku did not copy the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals when they wrote, and the view of ”Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Annals said:” is not quite the same as that of the New Text School. The conclusion that can be derived from these observations are as follows: judging from the development of the style of historical writing, the extremely simplified narrative manner with its concise diction still represents the ”Old Tradition” of historical writing from the pre-Ch'in period. A natural form of elaboration in narrative style in the Warring States and Ch'in-Han period gradually replaced it and became the ”New Tradition” of history writing. Whether or not the Spring and Autumn Annals has the mark of Confucius, the significance of its writing style is that it is a product of its period and also limited by the times it was made. Even though those of the New Text School have promoted it as a ”Confucian Classic”, imbuing it with a sense of a canon for eternity, they cannot change the fact that its historical writing style is of the ”Old Tradition” and not the ”New Tradition”.




