  • 期刊


On the Chungking Catholic Conflict: A Re-Examination from a Different Perspective


一八六三年初發生在重慶的民教衝突,是中國天主教史上著名的城市教案。大部份研究者都認為川東代牧區主教范若瑟(Eugène Desflèches)強行索要重慶城內崇因寺,是造成此次事件的主因。 本文分析范若瑟的傳教歷程,當地的教友性質、官紳結構、成都與重慶間的關係、滿漢官員的糾葛等,認為范若瑟並未強索崇因寺,基本上是合理的查還舊堂,只是崇因寺是成都滿人官員整飭重慶漢人官紳的工具,范若瑟計不及此,在掩飾省垣與地方衝突的官方文書中,成了替罪羔羊。由此對一八六三年的重慶教案,可以有一番新的解讀。


The conflict between the Catholic Church and the civilians in Chungking in 1863 is one of the most well known incidents in the Chinese Catholic history. Most researchers argue that Eugène Desflèches, the then Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan Diocese, took the Chung-Ying Temple in Chungking City by force. And his intrusion catalyzed the conflict. This article first re-examines the missionary traces of Fr. Eugène Desflèches, the characteristics of the local parish, the hierarchical structure of government officers, the relationship between Chengtu and Chungking, contentions between the Manchu and Han administrations, then suggests that Bishop Eugène Desflèches did not take Chung-Ying Temple by force. Instead, what he did was no more than a regular scrutiny, which should have authorized him to demand the return of the temple. The Manchu governors used Chung-Ying Temple as a tool to subjugate the Han administrators. As Bishop Eugène Desflèches did not take preventive measures to avoid misunderstandings, he became the scapegoat of the two contending forces. The historical records and analysis in this article present a different perspective to view the well-known incident in the Chinese Catholic history.


Adrien Launay, Mèmorial de la Société des Missions Etrangères, Deuxième Partie, p.569、p.503、p.195、p.182
(1994).État de la Société des Missions Étrangéres de Paris 1658-1994.Archives des Missions Etrangeres de Paris.
Lettre de M. Berthand an Cardinal de Bonald 10 août 1840, Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, Tome 14, Paris 1842, pp. 74-75.
Lettre de Mgr. Pérocheau à M. Langlois 1er septembre 1841, A.P.F., Tome 14, Paris, 1844, p. 333.
Lettre de Mgr. Pérocheau, 1 septembre 1851, Annales de l'OEuvre de la Sainte- Enfance Tome Ⅳ , Paris, 1852, p. 230.

