  • 期刊


A Search for Taibuqa in the Yuan Dynasty Records


泰不華(1304-1352)為元代色目人進士之一,他才藝兼具,在政治、學術及藝文方面均有所表現。泰不華係辛酉(1321)狀元背景出身,在元英宗迄順帝前後卅年左右(1322-1352)的仕宦公職中,他一本儒士廉正忠君之理念,表現清慎沉穩的施政風格。 其次在學術方面,泰不華潛研經史,不僅身任官修《宋史》的修纂官之一,後且入列於《宋元學案》之中。在藝文活動方面,他的詩文創作表現,《元詩選》中稱許其詩作為元季諸臣之首。此外,在書法方面,他承師學習,但自成一家,造詣不凡。 泰不華學養才德兼備,有理想,重氣節。但不幸在元末地方民亂事件中,以身殉國,壯烈犧牲。就此而言,他徹底地呈現也代表了元代進士背景死節效命官員所具備的政治素養與特殊風格。


元代 元詩選 死節效命 泰不華 進士入仕


Taibuqa (1304-1352) was one of the Semu chin-shin in the Yuan Dynasty. He had both talent and skill, and made achievements in political, academic, and artistic fields. He was the topper of the civil service examination system in 1321, and worked as a government official for 30 years (1322-1352). He possessed loyalty to the emperor and had steady administrative style during government employment. In academic field, Taibuqa studied the Chinese classics and historical books. He was one of the authors of the book ”Sung History”, and his name was listed in the book of ”Sing-Yuan Hsueh-An”. In artistic and literary field, Taibuqa's creativity of poem was one of the best among officials at that time in the book of ”the Collection of Poem Works in the Yuan Dynasty”. In addition, Taibuqa made achievement in calligraphic field. He imitated from several masters to become a calligrapher and tried to distinguish his own characteristic. Taibuqa had talent, skill, ideal, and fidelity. Unfortunately, he sacrificed his life for the country in a civil rebellion in last Yuan Dynasty. To sum up, Taibuqa expressed characteristics of sacrifice lives for the country that chin-shin had possessed such as political capacity and special deportment in the Yuan Dynasty.



