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The investigation of diving patterns and decompression sickness in Navy diver


本研究之目的,在於了解海軍潛水人員之潛水型態和潛水減壓病罹患情形。123位海軍潛水人員,接受問卷調查,統計結果如下:(1)年齡:18-42歲,平均22.9(4.2(SD)歲。(2)教育程度:國小及以下0%,國中17.9%,高中(職)76.4%,大專及以上5.7%。(3)潛訓:100%。(4)潛水經驗:3月-20年,平均2.4(3.3(SD)年。(5)最常潛水地點:高雄市69.9%,基隆市15.4%,澎湖縣10.6%,宜蘭縣4.1%。(6)最常潛水深度:5-45公尺,平均15.7(9.3(SD)公尺;<10公尺56.1%,10-20公尺26.0%,20-30公尺12.2%,30-40公尺3.3%,40-50公尺2.4%。(7)一般水下時間:0.3-2.0小時,平均0.67(o.36(SD)小時;<0.5小時67.5%,0.5-1.0小時26.8%,1.0-1.5小時2.4%,1.5-2.0小時3.3%。(8)最常供氣方法:高壓空氣瓶(水肺)97.6%,水面供氣(壓縮機)2.4%,閉氣潛水0%。(9)同伴共潛:從來沒有0%,很少0.8%,有時候3.3%,經常13%,每次都有82.9%。(10)減壓程序認知:知道98.4%,不知道1.6%。(11)減壓執行:從不照規定減壓0%,很少1.6%,有時候2%,經常9.8%,每次都照規定減壓86.6%。(12)異壓性骨壞死:2.7%。(13)減壓病罹患率:1.6%。 結論:海軍潛水人員的特點是,年紀輕、教育程度高、和潛水訓練完整。他們多在駐地附近熟悉的環境潛水,其潛水深度淺,水下停留時間短,且多遵照減壓程序執行減壓,故罹患潛水減壓病僅為1.6%。


This study was aimed to investigate diving patterns and incidence of decompression sickness in Navy diver. 123 Navy divers were included in this survey study and consequent statistical results were as follows: (1) Age: 18-42 yrs, mean 22.9(4.2(SD) yr; (2) Education: primary school and below 0%, junior middle school 17.9%, high school and occupational school 76.4%, college and university 5.7%; (3) Diving training: 100%; (4) Diving experience: 3 months-20 yrs, mean 2.4(3.3(SD) yr; (5) Common diving place: Kao-hsiung 69.9%, Kee-lung 15.4%, Peng-hu 10.6%, Yi-lun4.1%; (6) Common diving depth: 5-45m, mean 15.7(9.3(SD) m; <10 m 56.1%, 10-20 m 26.0%, 20-30 m 12.2%, 30-40 m 3.3%, 40-50 m 2.4%; (7) Common bottom time:0.3-2.0 hr, mean 0.67(o.36(SD) hr; <0.5 hr67.5%, 0.5-1.0 hr 26.8%, 1.0-1.5 hr2.4%, 1.5-2.0 hr 3.3%; (8) Common diving method:SCUBA 97.6%, surface supply2.4%, breath-hold dive 0%; (9) Diving buddy:never 0%, rare 1.6%, occasionally 0%, frequently 13%, always 82.9%; (10)Decompression procedure recognition: understand 98.4%, not understand 1.6%; (11) Decompression practice:never following decompression procedure 0%, rare1.6%, occasionally 2%, frequently 9.8%, always 86.6%; (12) Dysbaric osteonecrosis:2.7%; (13) Decompression sickness: 1.6%. In conclusion, Navy divers are young, highly educated, and well trained. They usually dive near their familiar open water with shallow depth and short duration and almost always follow the formal decompression procedure; therefore, the incidence of decompression sickness in Navy diver is as lower as 1.6%.
