  • 期刊


Assessment the Relationship between Blood Lead Levels and Long-Term Health Effects in Lead Exposure Employees



本研究目的即是,評估員工血中鉛濃度與健康危害的關係,並找出影響血鉛的危險因子,以提供有效的危害控制方法。亦執行一健康促進計畫以改善個人衛生習慣,給予鉛中毒衛生教育及個人防護等方式,評估此一健康促進計畫之成效。 本研究還取三類鉛作業工廠(鉛粉製造、塑膠安定劑製造、鉛蓄電池),於此工廠中,所有潛在暴露到鉛的勞工,經同意後納入本次研究對象,共計80名員工。研究對象將採取血液來分析血中鉛濃度,以問卷收集個人基本資料、職業史、衛生習慣與工作習慣以及由各工廠提供鉛作業人員過去健康檢查資料。 研究結果顯示:現場作業勞工血中鉛濃度仍顯著高於非現場作業者。在上下班交通 工具使用上,以住在宿舍外籍勞工血鉛濃度顯著高於上下班開車、騎乘機車、與搭公車或步行者。有抽煙習慣員工血鉛濃度仍高於不抽煙者。在喝牛奶習慣上,每天都喝牛奶者,血鉛濃度較每週喝牛奶大於一次但小於三次者為低。正確穿工作服及配戴口罩、以及正確使用口罩者血鉛濃度均較低。如此應可說明良好的衛生習慣與正確的使用防護用具,應能有效的預防鉛中毒與降低血中鉛濃度。研究期間經由衛生教育的介入,再由前後血鉛濃度改變情形比較,亦可看出有明顯下降現象且達統計上顯著差異。另外本研究對象中並無發現鉛中毒之個素。


This study was designed to evaluate the association between the blood lead levels and health habits among the employees who had exposed to lead. The purpose was to identify potential risk factors associated with high level of lead exposure. By investigating the changes in worker's BLLs in relation to these personal hygiene habits using a health promotion program. A total of 80 workers were investigated. Characteristics of the participants were obtained by questionnaire. The relationship between blood lead concentrations and personal hygiene was analyzed by using multiple regression. The results showed that both task title and smoking were significant predictors of BLLs. The BLLs of the employees who belong to the on-site operation group and smokers were significantly higher than those who belong to the off-site operation group and the non-smokers. In addition, blood lead concentrations in our study revealed that milk consumption, good hygiene habits, and living in the dormitory were also associated with BLLs. Moreover, the study results, BLLs decreased significantly over the period of the study. It seems that health promotion programs and good personal hygiene practices may decrease exposure of lead among the workers.
