  • 期刊

以Sysmex XN-10建立Reticulocyte和RET-He之參考區間

Using Sysmex XN-10 to Establish Reference Intervals for Reticulocyte and RET-He


目的:本研究為建立臨床檢驗室Reticulocyte(RET)及Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent(RET-He)生物參考區間範圍,提供臨床醫師評估骨髓製造紅血球的功能及監控貧血治療之參考;亦可符合醫學中心評鑑與實驗室認證之要求。材料與方法:以儀器Sysmex XN-10進行分析。CLSI C28-A3為依據進行評估。以台灣成人族群作為評估對象,在本院成人健康檢查者有232位(男性147人,女性85人)。各項健康檢驗項目的結果值都在正常參考範圍內的檢體,進行RET和RET-He之研究分析。研究結果與原廠建議範圍值作比較,以EXCEL統計軟體檢定F分配,p值<0.01為具有統計之差異。結果:統計分析232位成人結果:RET之平均值為1.54%,標準差為0.39,最小值和最大值分別為0.67%和2.87%;統計正負2個標準差,不分性別的參考區間為0.78-2.31%;區分性別的參考區間,男、女性分別為0.77-2.35%及0.80-2.23%。統計分析232位成人結果:RET-He之平均值為35.5 pg,標準差為1.51,最小值和最大值分別為30.3 pg及41.1 pg;統計正負2個標準差,不分性別的參考區間為32.5-38.5pg,區分性別的參考區間,男、女性分別為33.1-38.6 pg及32.0-37.8 pg。本研究結果與原廠參考範圍值作比較,結果顯示RET與RET-He皆無顯著之差異。討論:本篇為國內首次以Sysmex XN-10分析儀,建立台灣地區成人RET%與RET-He的參考區間之研究,研究結果與原廠參考範圍建議皆無顯著差異。證實檢驗室可應用原廠建議參考範圍作為檢驗室之生物參考區間。


Purpose: This study established Reticulocyte (RET) and Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He) reference intervals for clinical laboratory. To provide clinicians to evaluate the function of bone marrow to make red blood cells and to monitor anemia treatment. To meet medical center certification and laboratory accreditation requirements. Materials and Methods: Using Sysmex XN-10 instrument for analysis. Evaluation according to CLSI C28-A3 criteria. Taiwanese ethnic group as the evaluation target, and there are 232 adult doing health check at our hospital (147 males and 85 females). Their test results are all in the reference interval, and then doing RET and RET-He study. The study result is compared with the Sysmex instrument recommended reference interval. Use excel F distribution, p <0.01 is significant. Results: Statistical analysis of 232 adults: The mean of RET is 1.54%, SD is 0.39, the minimum and maximum values are 0.67% and 2.87% respectively. Statistic ±2 SD, Reference interval without gender is 0.78-2.31%. Reference interval with gender of male is 0.77-2.35%, the female is 0.80-2.23%. The mean of RET-He is 35.5 pg, SD is 1.51. the minimum and maximum values are 30.3pg and 41.1 pg respectively. Statistic ±2 SD, Reference interval without gender is 32.5-38.5 pg. Reference interval with gender of male is 33.1-38.6 pg, the female is 32.0-37.8 pg. This study results compared with Sysmex recommended reference interval, there is no significant difference of RET and RET-He. Discussion: This is the first study of using Sysmex XN-10 analyzer to establish the reference intervals for Reticulocyte and RET-He in domestic. Our results show that there is no significantly different compared with Sysmex recommended reference interval. Confirm that the laboratory can use Sysmex recommended reference interval as the biological reference interval of the laboratory.


Reticulocyte reference interval RET-He Sysmex XN-10
