  • 期刊


Night shift work and it's association with liver dysfunction


背景及研究目的:國外曾有針對約莫15000位員工的工廠執行肝功能檢測異常調查,發現肝指數上升(異常)比例可高達1/5,國內研究,則肝指數異常率20-70%都有,其中異常原因以脂肪肝最多。長期夜間工作對於肝功能影響,為勞工健康服務常見爭議;熬夜傷肝,亦為華人地區民眾所深信。國內某北區工廠勞工超過9000人,其中日班與夜班作業勞工均超過4000人,為具指標意義之大型本土資料。本研究將以該廠年度健檢肝功能檢查結果作為分析資料,透過研究可了解日夜班工作型態與肝指數異常間有無關聯性。研究方法:本研究將以該廠2019年員工健康檢查結果,分為長期夜間工作與非長期夜間工作同仁資料,針對肝指數檢查結果(glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, GOT與Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, GPT),以SPSS套裝軟體進行建檔以及統計分析,並以百分比、平均值與標準差等描述性統計進行資料分析處理,統計分析結果以P<0.05為顯著差異標準。肝功能檢測結果參考值,則依照醫院建議參考值GOT正常值8-38 U/L,GPT正常值為4-44 U/L,將連續性的生化檢驗值劃分為類別變項後,再與原本類別資料一同呈現比較。辨識分析夜間工作與否對於肝指數檢驗結果的影響。結果:依勞動部指定長期夜間工作之勞工為雇主應施行特定項目健康檢查之特定對象定義,可將2019年該廠所有同仁區分為長期夜間工作4039人及非長期夜間工作同仁5283人,共9322人。研究結果顯示,長期夜間工作者肝功能檢測GOT與GPT較高,夜間工作者GOT或GPT異常的比例也較日間工作者高。結論:長期夜間工作,易導致生活作息不容易正常與熬夜傷肝,均為台灣民眾普遍印象。本研究發現,長期夜班工作,可能導致肝指數異常。建議未來從事長期夜間工作者,應特別留意肝臟保健。


夜間工作 夜班 輪班 肝功能


Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to make an analysis from the annual health check data (March, 2019) of the employees in a Taiwan semiconductor company, to evaluate the associations between night shift work and concerning effects on liver function, the glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, GOT and the Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, GPT. Methods: This cross-sectional study included both shift workers and non-shift workers from the same company. Serum GOT and GPT level were detected by an automatic biochemical analyser. Elevated GOT was defined as GOT > 38 U/L, elevated GPT was defined as GPT > 44 U/L. Results: A total eligible 9322 workers from the company were recruited, according to shift work schedules, the participants divided to the following groups, 4039 workers were night-shift employees, and 5283 workers were non-shift employees. Shift work status was associated with higher GOT and GPT. Night shift workers had an increased risk of abnormal liver function test. Conclusion: Night shift work were likely associated with abnormal liver function. We suggest that all the night-shift workers pay highly attention to their liver function, and further examination; for those who have abnormal liver function test, liver echo could be considered. These association need to be verified in prospective cohort studies.
