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Exploring Anti-Plagiarism Perceptions and Methods of Students, Faculty Members and Administrators towards Students' English Writing at Two Research-Based Universities




英文寫作 抄襲行為 反抄襲


The criterion for academic achievement, consisting of multiple high-quality publications, has become the norm in educational settings. Accordingly, ethics and the prevention of plagiarism are critical issues for consideration to secure academic integrity and protect intellectual property. The goal of this study was to investigate knowledge about and perspectives of English writing plagiarism in three main groups at two research-based universities in Taiwan, including university administrators (supervisors), instructors, and students. Utilizing qualitative interview data, the researchers compared and contrasted four key issues surrounding plagiarism: (a) knowledge of the definition of plagiarism; (b) behavioral observations of student plagiarism; (c) causes of student plagiarism; (d) approaches for preventing plagiarism. Results show that all groups consider full-text copying, failure to cite, and patchwriting to be plagiarism; administrators and instructors possess distinct attitudes regarding the behavior of student plagiarism; the causes of plagiarism in English writing consist of internal and external factors; approaches to prevent student plagiarism include developing correct concepts and attitudes for academic integrity, educating students about the definition and consequences of plagiarism, using anti-plagiarism detectors or establishing mechanisms to identify possible appropriated texts, and setting specific regulations to deter plagiarism.


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全國法規資料庫 (2010)。著作權法。2011年1月14日,取自http:// law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=J0070017
