本研究旨在了解大專校院學生參與社團狀況,並驗証「大專校院學生社團活動參與程 度較高者,其社會支持程度較高、認知-問題導向因應型態較高,其憂鬱程度較低、自殺意念與行為較少」的假設。由南區大專校院抽出樣本數共5,137人,以團體測驗方式進行資料收集。回收4,332份資料(84.32%),有效資料4,252份(82.77%)。結果顯示有參與社團活動者佔53.9 %,很少、有時及常常參與者分別為22.7%、17.3%及13.9%。常常參與社團活動者,其朋友的社會支持、認知—問題導向的壓力因應型態高於未參與社團者,且在逃避-情緒導向的壓力因應型態、憂鬱程度、自殺意念與行為上低於未參與社團者。本研究結果大致支持研究假設。但僅是橫斷式研究,未來宜追蹤探討社團參與經驗、社會支持、壓力因應及憂鬱自殺之因果關係,並闡明其機制。
This study was designed to investigate the current status of extracurricular activity involvement among college students and examine its relationship to social support, coping styles, and depression and suicidal behaviors. Five thousand one hundred and thirty seven students were sampled from the universities or colleges in Southern Taiwan as subjects. A total of four thousand three hundred thirty two students participated in the study. The final valid sample was 4252, and its response rate was 82.77%. Data analyses indicated that 53.9% of college students joined at least one extracurricular activity. Among those, 22.7% ”rarely”, 13.7% ”sometimes” and 13.9% ”frequently” participated in extracurricular activities. Compared to the students who had not been involved in the extracurricular activities, the students who had frequently been involved in extracurricular activities showed higher levels of perceived social support and cognitive-problem-oriented coping style, and expressed lower degrees of depression and suicidal behaviors. Our findings supported the hypothesis that stated, ”The higher frequencies of extracurricular activity involvement the students had, the higher levels of social support and cognitive-problem oriented coping style, and lower levels of depression and suicidal behaviors they would experience”. A further longitudinal study design examining the causal relationship between extracurricular activity involvement and depression and suicide is suggested.