  • 期刊


The Process of Formation, Maintenance, Abstinence and Relapse on Smoking Behavior


吸菸對健康的危害一直是個不爭的事實,然而全世界吸菸率卻依舊有增無減,不但造成個人身心健康的損失,更影響國家的競爭力,因此,如何有效地協助吸菸者遠離菸害已是全世界各國努力的目標。國內雖然陸續針對吸菸議題發表相關研究,但卻沒有從吸菸者的思考脈絡瞭解吸菸乃至戒菸的發展歷程,因此,本研究的目的旨在深入吸菸者的內心世界,探索其吸菸行為形成、持續原因、戒斷與復發的背後深層意義,進而瞭解影響吸菸者吸菸與戒菸相關因素。 本研究採取質性研究,以符合本研究欲收集吸菸者更深入與豐富的種種相關資料,資料來自三個方面:深度訪談、訪談書面報告與戒菸個案諮商記錄表,透過三角校正的工作進行分析、歸類與概念化,期使研究結果更具可信度。 研究結果發現吸菸者多在青少年時期初次接觸菸品,之後因為同儕鼓勵、生活壓力或職業需求等原因持續抽菸,進而形成習慣。當吸菸者因為健康、家庭或社會環境等因素決定戒菸時,感到最困難的是除了要克服程度不一的戒斷生理症狀,自我形象轉變與內心矛盾衝突常常是戒斷後又再度復發的原因。除此以外,本研究也發現女性吸菸者依舊依附在父權體系之下,即使兩性已漸趨平等,女性吸菸者仍背負著社會賦予傳統價值的刻板印象。 本研究建議青少年族群眾多的中學體系宜多加宣導吸菸對身心影響,提高青少年對菸害防制的意識,對於某些場合的敬菸文化適時予以禁止,而藉由吸菸減輕壓力的方法也可鼓勵運用較為健康的方式取代。


吸菸 戒斷 復發


As we all know, cigarette smoking has a negative influence on one's health. However, the smoking rate is still rising through out the world. It not only damages one’s physical and mental health, but influences ”national competition.” Finding an effective way to help smokers quit smoking has become one of the major goals for countries all over the world. Although there are studies addressing smoking behavior and related issues in our country, research that studies smoking history from the smokers’ point of view is hard to find. The purpose of this research is to explore smokers' behavior implicitly and further understand factors that related to their smoking experience. This is qualitative research. All the data is collected from three sources: interviews from researchers, interview papers, and counseling records from smokers' helpline center counselors. A triangulation investigation is utilized to increase credibility of the data found. The research indicated that smokers usually started smoking during their teenage years and then developed a habit due to peer pressure, or stress from their job or life. Once smokers decided to quit smoking, the most difficult part was not only overcoming the withdrawal symptoms during abstinence, but dealing with the inner conflict resulting from the change of the self-image. These two factors are usually the main reasons causing relapse in smokers. The research also found that women smokers are still dominated by the patriarchal authority and are greatly affected by the stereotyped image of the society. The research suggests that the middle school system should advocate the benefit of quitting smoking and emphasize that smoking is hazardous to health. The cultural practice of providing cigarettes as a courtesy at certain occasions should also be prohibited if necessary. People who regard smoking as a way to reduce pressure are advised to develop healthier activities to replace smoking behavior.


abstinence relapse smoking


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