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Workers' Rights to Organize, Bargain, and Act Collectively in the Airline Industry: A Comparative Study on the Labor Disputes of Taiwanese TransAsia Airways and American Northwest Airlines


1998年8月台灣復興航空公司65位飛行員集體請辭,同一時間美國西北航空公司6,200位飛行員罷工,本研究以比較研究法針對這兩個爭議案進行研究,比較的項目有四個:勞資爭議處理程序、勞工組織策略與行動、雇主策略與行動、政府角色,資料收集方法包括了相關文獻、網路資料和深度訪談。 本研究發現復興航空勞資爭議案是一權利事項的爭議案,由於勞方爭議當事人沒有工會組織,在爭議對抗中顯然居於劣勢;65位飛行員係集體請辭,並非因集體協商不成而行使爭議權的罷工行為;復興航空爭議案只能調解,無法仲裁,對勞工相當不利,此一爭議處理制度需要檢討;勞方當事人的動輒請辭並不值得鼓勵,但勞工的團結權、協商權和爭議權是基本勞動三權,雇主和政府應有所認知並給予保護。本研究建議:加強組織工會是勞工事務的首要任務;我國的勞資爭議處理制度需要作大幅的調整與修正,並與集體協商制度相互配合;雇主在進行各種人事成本和管理策略上之調整,應與勞方作事前充份的溝通,以化解執行時之阻力。


航空業 勞動三權 勞資爭議


Sixty-five pilots of the TransAsia Airways collectively resigned on August 24, 1998 and started the first substantial stoppage in Taiwanese airline industry. At the same time, 6,200 pilots of the Northwest Airlines called on a strike in the United States. Using a comparative approach this paper analyzes the workers' right to act collectively of these two dispute cases. Four aspects of the disputes are investigated and compared: the labor dispute resolution system, the strategy of labor, the strategy of airline owners, and the role of the government agencies. This study finds that lack of a union becomes the weakness of the workers in TransAsia dispute. This study suggests that: 1) Organizing the workers should be the first priority for the labor movement in Taiwan. 2) The labor dispute resolution system in Taiwan should be adjusted and the revision of the Labor-Management Dispute Settlement Law should parallel with the promotion of the collective bargaining mechanism. 3) Employers are pursuing lower labor cost, more flexibility and competitiveness. A prior consultation and full communication with the workers concerned are highly recommended.
