  • 期刊


The Second Abe Administration's Policy Towards Russia and Russia's Response




Mr. Shinzo Abe regained prime minister in the end of 2012, and he faced critical two issues immediately. One is state normalization; the other is return of Northern Territory. Prime Minister Abe first chose to restore dominance of military power, leading Japan marching to "normal state". This dream should get U.S. support or not oppose it at least. And then, Japan should create "an imaginary enemy", that is, Japan highlights threats from China and enhances Japan-U.S. relations. This concept results in Japan following U.S. foreign policy. But Prime Minister Abe didn't abandon close to Russia. When he got one step in restoring dominance of military power, he tried to repair chill relations with Russia. Abe gave up chance to close to Russia when he took office, following Western countries to sanction Russian. Not moving forward in his choice of foreign policy, Abe returns to shake hands with Russia. It seems that he miscalculates.


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連弘宜、黃建豪,「普京重新執政下的外交政策與俄美關係走向」,蔡明彥主編,國際政治與國內政治的連動(臺北:鼎茂出版社,2013 年),頁 114-137。
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「中國代表團在 2018 年東方經濟論壇上將最具代表性」,俄羅斯衛星通訊社, (2018 年 9 月 1 日)。
「 日本內閣會議決定解禁集體自衛權」,BBC NEWS 中文, (2014 年 7 月 1 日)。
