  • 期刊


An Evaluation of "Code of True Love" Sex Education Program on Vocational Senior High School Students


本研究採用準實驗設計之「實驗組對照組前測後測設計」,選取台北市大直高級中學及台北縣土城市海山高級工業職業學校二年級學生為研究的實驗組;台北市西松高級中學及台北縣淡水高級商工職業學校二年級學生為研究的對照組。在教育介入前一週兩組學生皆接受前測問卷作為評量實驗效果的基凖。實驗組學生接受五週(共十小時)性教育教學活動,並探討學生對教學的過程評價及心得,而對照組則未接受教學;教學結束後一週,進行後測以評量此性教育教學之效果。 研究結果發現高中實驗組學生在「性社會現況之覺察程度」、「性知識」、「性態度」、「採取安全性行為之自我效能」、「同儕社會支持度」及「採取安全性行為之行為意向」之分析結果,均達到顯著差異;而高職實驗組學生在「性社會現況之覺察程度」、「性知識」、「性態度」、「同儕社會支持度」及「採取安全性行為之行為意向」的得分,約顯著優於對照組學生,唯「採取安全性行為之自我效能」並未達到顯著差異,驗證此教學成果是有成效的。


A design of unequal experiment and control groups was used in this study. The study has involved second-grade students from two schools, Dazhi Senior high School in Taipei and Hai-San Industrial Vocational high School in Tucheng City. Before the proceeding of the Sex Education Program, both two groups had taken the questionnaire as a Pre-test. Then students of the experiment group participated in a series of five Educational activities, which took 10 hours in 5 weeks. After the intervention, all groups took a Post-test to evaluate the immediate effect of the program. The result of the study were as follow: (1) After intervention, students of the experiment group students from the senior high school could significantly increase their sexual awareness, sexual knowlege, attitudes, peer social support, related self-efficacy, postpone and safer sexual behavior intention. (2) After intervention, the experiment group students from the vocational senior high school could significantly increase sex awareness, sex knowleges, attitudes, peer social support, postpone and safer sexual behavior intention, but for related self-efficacy, the increase was not significant.


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