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Performance of the BDProbeTec ET Assay for Identification Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Clinical Isolates

BDProbeTec ET系統由臨床培養檢體中鑑定Mycobacterium Tuberculosis的臨床運用

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這個研究的主要目的是評估BDProbeTec ET系統由臨床培養檢體中鑑定的可靠性。我們從慢性病防治局取得60個臨床菌株,其中結核分枝桿菌與非結核分枝桿菌(non-tuberculous mycobacteria)各佔30株。非結核分枝桿菌包括(M. avium complex 13株, M. abscessus 7株,M. fortuitum 2株, M. kansasii 2株,M. phlei 2株,M. terrae 2株,M. simiae 1株,M. vaccae 1株)。所有的菌株都用BDProbeTec ET系統的M. tuberculosis complex探針測試。結果發現30株結核分枝桿菌全部都呈陽性反應。非結核分枝桿菌菌株只有一株M. phlei呈陽性反應,其他都呈陰性反應。整個研究的敏感性、特異性、正預估值、負預估值分別是100%、96.7%、96.7%、100%。我們下了一個結論,BDProbeTec ET系統的M. tuberculosis complex探針,在鑑定M. tuberculosis上,是一種快速又非常準確的方法。

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To assess the performance of the BDProbeTec assay in the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 60 cultures of Mycobacterium from respiratory specimens were tested with M. tuberculosis complex probes. Using conventional biochemical tests, 30 of them were determined to be M. tuberculosis and 30 nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) (13 M. avium complex, 7 M. abscessus, 2 M. fortuitum, 2 M. kansasii, 2 M. phlei, 2 M. terrae, 1 M. simiae, and 1 M. vaccae). The BDProbeTec detected 100% (30) of the M. tuberculosis isolates, while 96.7% (29) of the NTM isolates tested negative. Only 1 NTM isolate, which was M. phlei, showed a positive result. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 100%, 96.7%, 96.7%, and 100%, respectively. We conclude that the BDProbeTec ET system is a robust assay for the identification of M. tuberculosis from mycobacterium cultures. Determining the reliability of the BDProbeTec system for the direct detection of M. tuberculosis in respiratory specimens requires further study.
