  • 期刊

Hyperbaric OxygenTherapy is Safe: Mid-Taiwan Experience




目的:探討在臺灣中部某醫學中心高壓氧治療的併發症和安全性。 方法:我們收集,觀察並評估從2000年4月到2000年12月間,共343個病患,依照各種不同的適應症,在經過完整的事前病史詢問和生理評估後,接受共6403次高壓氧治療的併發症。病患所接受的高壓氧治療其壓力範圍大多是在2至3個大氣壓力,治療時間從90分鐘到數小時,治療次數依病情和病患狀況而不同。然後我們觀察並統計治療期間病患所發生的併發症,包括各種壓力性損傷,氧氣中毒或其他的不舒服。 結果:在343個病患接受共6403次高壓氧治療,其併發症總發生率約4.37%。而氣傷約佔3.5%(其中耳氣傷2.33%,腹脹0.58%,鼻竇氣傷及流鼻血0.58%),氧氣中毒佔0.58%,其他如低血糖佔0.58%。 結論:只要經過完整的事前病史詢問,生理評估,和了解高壓氧治療的禁忌症,並依照正常的高壓氧治療程序;高壓氧的治療是相當安全的,即使發生了併發症也只是輕微並不影響生命和治療的進行。


Objective: To ascertain the medical safety and complications of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy in a medical center of Mid-Taiwan. Methods: In all, 343 patients receiving a total of 6403 treatments with hyperbaric oxygen therapy for various indications, from April 2000 to December 2001, were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed. The patients underwent HBO therapy in a hyperbaric chamber after complete pre-HBO therapeutic evaluations, including medical history, physical examination, the protocols and doses of HBO, and duration and frequency of various diseases. Then we collected and recorded the data regarding complications after HBO therapy. Results: The total complication rate was about 4.37% (15/343), including major complications such as ear barotraumas 2.33% (8/343), sinus barotraumas with epistaxis 0.58% (2/343), GI upset (abdominal fullness, nausea) 0.58% (2/343), visual hallucination 0.58% (2/343), and hypoglycemia 0.58% (2/343). No severe life-threatening complications occurred. Conclusions: In our limited experience, HBO therapy was safe, with a low incidence of minor complications. Even though complications with HBO therapy occurred, they were all mild, and did not lead to life-threatening complications.


HBO therapy complications barotrauma oxygen toxicity
