  • 期刊

Sonographic Findings of Round Atelectasis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature



圓形肺塌陷(round atelectasis)為一並不常見之疾病,其成因仍尚未完全明瞭。圓形肺塌陷之病理特徵在於,可見臟層肋膜內折(invagination)至其內。在胸部X光及電腦斷層掃瞄檢查上,圓形肺塌陷之外型與惡性肺腫瘤極相似。若不細加辨別,極易將圓形肺塌陷誤診為肺癌,而施行不必要之手術。超音波為一方便、易於操作之影像學工具,尤適於諸如圓形肺塌陷等週邊肺疾患之診斷。本文提出一圓形肺塌陷之病例,詳述其超音波檢查之表徵,並對相關文獻作一回顧。


Round atelectasis (RA) is an uncommon entity occasionally encountered in daily practice. The pathogenesis of RA has not been clarified. It is characterized by the invagination of fibrotic visceral pleura into the mass. The clinical importance of this benign malady resides in its resemblance to pulmonary malignancy on the chest radiograph and CT scan. Not well recognized, RA may be easily mistaken as lung cancer, thus leading to unnecessary surgical intervention. Chest sonography, a new modality for chest disease diagnosis, is an available, ideal, and accurate diagnostic tool for peripheral pulmonary lesions such as RA. Herein, we present a case of RA with its characteristic sonographic findings.
