  • 期刊


Zone of Tolerance: Exploring the Impact of E-Service Quality Dimensions' Types and Importance


本硏究旨在探討網際網路服務品質理論加入容忍區的概念,以強化過去硏究對於服務品質期望衡量上不足之處。主要有三個目的:(1)希望能對於過去相關之網路服務品質構面以及服務品質期望容忍區文獻作一回顧以及整理,以建立硏究架構及發展衡量項目;(2)對網路服務品質構面進行重要性之衡量,並探討其對網路服務品質容忍區之影響;(3)以品質構面對於顧客滿意之影響,依重要性方格來對網路服務品質構面進行分類,進而探討構面組合對於容忍區之影響。硏究係選定拍賣網站來作為硏究標的,利用了Zeithaml et al. (2002)所提出之e-SERVQAUL的七個網路服務屬性,效率、可靠性、履行、隱私、回應性、補償以及聯繫,扣除關於系統平台觀點的可靠性後進行正式實證硏究。最後共有323份有效問卷進行資料分析,衡量工具之信度與效度皆符合硏究要求。硏究結果顯示,網路服務品質構面的重要性與容忍區間具有正向的關係存在,這與過去的理論的負向關係相反。探究後發現當重要性上升時渴望服務水準所上升的幅度是大於足夠水準的,導致了重要性與容忍區間呈現正向的關係,這補足了過去硏究中未經探討的部分。此外,知覺執行困難度對於網路服務品質重要性與容忍區之間的關係具有正向的干擾。而在網路服務品質構面分類上共可分離出兩種類型分別是,基礎因素:效率、隱私以及聯繫,績效因素:履行、回應性以及補償。但兩種構面類型對於容忍區的影響均不顯著。最後,也提出了硏究的結論、貢獻以及未來的硏究方向建議。


This study proposes to introduce the idea of ”zone of tolerance” in order to enrich the measurement of e-service theory. The purposes of this study are: (1) based on literature review, we propose a new conceptual framework and add zone of tolerance into our e-service quality measuring model; (2) measure the importance of e-service quality and explore the effects on zone of tolerance; (3) use the importance grid to identify the types of e-service quality dimensions then explore its impact on zone of tolerance. This study uses Zeithaml et al. (2002) e-SERVQUAL's six service attributions (except reliability) as our e-service quality dimensions of measuring model. 323 samples were collected from the major internet auction forums in Taiwan and the tests show our measuring model has excellent reliability and validity. The findings of empirical study show that the positive relationship exists between importance and zone of tolerance. It's opposite to past research findings, which argued the negative relationship between them. The empirical data shows when the importance of service dimensions increases, the expectation level of adequate service quality rises more than the expectation level of desired service quality. It leads to a positive relationship between importance and zone of tolerance. Perceived performance difficulty also plays a positive moderation between importance and zone of tolerance. Furthermore, those e-service quality dimensions should be identified into 2 types which called as basic types (including efficiency, privacy and contact) and performance types (including fulfillment, responsiveness and compensation). However, both types of e-service quality dimensions show no significant effects on zone of tolerance. Finally, conclusions and suggestions are also offered in this study.


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