  • 期刊


The Gonad Dose of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy


目的:頭頸部癌症患者在接受全程的放射治療時,性腺雖未被直接照射,但亦會接受到微量的輻射劑量。這些由散射光子所造成的微量輻射,主要來自準值儀的散射輻射、治療機頭的洩漏輻射和患者自頭頸部經由體內散射到性腺區的光子。 材料與方法:本研究先以人假體(Rando phantom)為測量的對象,治療所用的照野,放射線照的角度及治療的腫瘤劑量皆以鼻咽癌的放射治療方法為準。使用Farmer式劑量儀(游離腔)及熱螢光劑量儀(TLD;HARSHAW 2000型)來計測頭頸部接受放射線照射時,性腺所接受到的散射量;Farmer劑量儀為NE 2502/3型及0.6 c. c游離腔,TLD則為氟化鋰粉末。 結果:在本研究中,於人假體的頭頸部腫瘤照射劑量達到1800 cGy,且未加任何屏蔽時,性腺所量測到的劑量為2.18 cGy;如在人假體腹部周圍以6公分厚的鉛塊圍成屏蔽,則結果只有0.54 cGy,比未加屏蔽時的劑量少了約75%。若以鼻咽癌的腫瘤治療劑量為7000 cGy,經由實際於病患性腺處所測得的數據和計算,性腺所接受到的劑量約為5.83 cGy。


性腺劑量 散射輻射


Purpose: Although the gonad is located far away from the primary radiation beam for head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy, the gonad will inevitably be exposured to scattered radiations. The scattered radiations are resulted from scattering from the collimators and modifiers, photon leakage through the treatment head of the machine, and scattering within the patient from the treatment beams. Material & Methods: The Rando phantom is irradiated according the treatment protocol of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. The Farmer dosimeter and Thermoluminescent dosimeter are used to measure the gonad dose. The Farmer dosineler in NE 2503/3 with 0.6 c.c. lonizing chamber and the material of TLD is HF power. Result: Using the Rando phantom measurements, the gonad dose is about 2.18 cGy when a dose of 1800 cGy is given to the head and neck area. The gonad dose may be reduced by 75% (from 2.18 cGy to 0.54 cGy) when the abdomen of the Rando phantom is shielded by 6 cm lead bolcks. According to the measured data and calculation, the gonad dose is about 5.38 cGy if the head and neck area is irradiated to 7000 cGy.


Gonad dose Scattering radiation
