  • 期刊

Findings of Persistent Microscopic Hematuria in a Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program



目的:評估防癌檢察中,持續顯微血尿的臨床意義。 材料與方法:自1987年9月至1993年4月,台北榮民總醫院癌病治療中心防癌室對3476例民眾從事防癌偵檢。凡有顯微血尿者重覆尿液檢查。若病人有持續顯微血尿者則轉介至適當科別接授尿液培養、排尿攝影、膀胱鏡、尿液細胞學檢查、超音波或電腦斷層等檢查。 結果:百分之十二(420/3476)參與檢查者被發現有無症狀的顯微血尿,百分之七(243/3476)的參與者有持續顯微血尿。199人完成了進一步的檢查。結果發現兩例早期癌病患者(腎細胞癌一例、子宮內膜癌一例);其他發現一些良性疾病如攝護腺肥大卅七例、泌尿道發炎四十九例、腎結石九例、輸尿管結石九例、膀胱乳突瘤一例,認為與持續顯微血尿有關。 結論:在此3476人參與的防癌檢查中,百分之七的參與者有持續性的顯微血尿。進一步的檢查發現了兩例早期癌病及一百卅一例良性疾病,包括攝護腺肥大、泌尿道發炎、腎和輸尿管結石,以及膀胱乳突瘤。


Purpose: To evaluate the significance of microscopic hematuria detected in participants of Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program. Materials and Methods: From September 1987 through April 1993, a total of 3 476 individuals completed the first-line assessment of the Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program in the Cancer Center of Veterans General Hospital-Taipei. For those who showed microscopic hematuria would repeat the urine examination, if the persons demonstrated persistent microscopic hematuria, further work-up procedures consisting of urine culture, excretory urography, cystoscopy, urine cytology, sonography or CT scan will be performed. Results: Twelve percent (420/3476) of the participants showed asymptomatic microscopic hematuria, 7% (242/3 476) showed persistent microhematuria. 199 persons completed the further work-up procedures. 2 early cancers (1 renal cell carcinoma, 1 endometrial carcinoma) were detected. In addition, other benign diseases such as benign prostate hypertrophy (37), inflammatory lesions (49), renal stones (9), ureteral stones (9) and urinary bladder papilloma (1) were associated with persistent microscopic hematuria. Conclusion: Among 3 476 individuals participating cancer detection program, 7% showed persistent microscopic hematuria. Further examination detected two early cancers and 131 benign diseases including benign prostate hypertrophy, inflammatory lesions, renal and ureteral stones and urinary bladder papilloma.
