  • 期刊


Practical Application of Value-Added Intranet on Radiotherapy Machine in Quality Assurance


目的:建立快速準確的輸出校正步驟,以節省時間並確保治療機的準確度,更進而掌握整體治療品質的精準度。 材料與方法:1.設計一類水測試固態假體,並依據放射治療機輸出能量決定放置測試游離腔的深度;孔徑大小依據測試游離腔的增建護套尺寸決定,孔與孔的中心距離為6 cm。2. X光能量用增建類水固態假體尺寸大小為30×30 cm,厚度為5cm、2cm、1cm、0.5 cm、0.2 cm、0.1 cm等。依據此簡易裝置可執行多項測試檢驗包括:每日輻射劑量輸出穩定度測試、X光能量穩定度、射束平坦性及對稱性、光學尺及小照野準確度的檢驗,也可作雷射射束水平的校正。3.設計上述測試項目的顯示頁( display form)並撰寫程式語言。 結果:程式已通過測試,能順利將所得的各項數據資料,經由網路傳送至主電腦儲存並以日、月和年為單位匯整;並配合個人電腦整合數據,集結完成各式報表,進而繪製成圖表,藉此可建立治療機安險品質保證及完整資料的性能分析。 結論:在強調放射治療品質的同時,治療之機器品質保證絕對是最重要的課題,藉由電腦網路的傳輸可快速且完整的對放射治療機達到有效監控及治療品質之保證。


Purpose: To assure the radiation treatment accuracy, the quality assurance of radiotherapy machines is an important issue. Currently, in VGHTPE Hospital, daily manually calibration and documentation on each radiotherapy machine have been used on quality assurance, which is time consuming while performing data integration and transfermation inter machines. Therefore, we set up an intranet system to perform automatic calibration and integrate database to shorten the processing time of quality assurance meanwhile acquire up dated and complete report after all the procedures have been done. Materials and Methods: 1. Design WebPages in data transfermation and integration, use Microsoft visual basic 6.0 and Borland C++ builder 4.0 to design intranet webpages for treatment machines. There are two modules (therapeutic technique and mechanical quality assurance) installed on each treatment station, and the tolerance tables are well defined. 2. In running the daily calibration, design a virtual water solid phantom (water-equivalent) to acquire the energy distribution and decide the depth of the ion chamber. According to the size of the build up cap of the tested ion chamber to decide the size of the cylinder. The size of build up phantom is 30 cm by 30 cm and the depths are varied. By using these devises, we can run the tests on the daily radiation output stability, x-ray stability, beam flatness and asymmetry, optical range-finder, portal accuracy and laser beam alignment and all the data are recorded. Result: Obtaining and transferring all of the data mentioned above from various treatment machines to the main sever, we could integrate data and formulate reports at daily, weekly, monthly and annually bases and further plot histograms according to different requirements. By performing these procedures, we could assure the quality of the treatment machines and build detailed database for property analysis. Conclusion: While we emphasize the quality assurance of radiotherapy, the quality assurance of treatment machines becomes the most important issue. Therefore, via practically use computer network system in quality assurance of radiotherapy machines is the most effective way to reach the goal of better quality assurance.
