  • 期刊


An Opinion Survey of Trans-hospital Outpatient Referral across District for Radiotherapy




Purpose: Owning to the extended waiting list and the possibility of treatment delay, the department of radiation oncology at a medical center referred its waiting outpatients to another regional hospital which was affiliated to the same health care system and equipped with similar linear accelerator facility, but located across the Taipei basin. The purpose of this study is to survey the opinion and demand of referred patients and their family member to this service mode, and to provide a reference for future quality improvement.Material and Method: Between December 2010 and January 2012, there were 65 patients referred to the regional teaching hospital for radiotherapy. A self-constructed structural questionnaire was designed according to the characteristic of outpatient at department of radiation oncology. Statistical analysis was performed to investigate the consideration and satisfaction with this referral mode.Results : When patient considering to accept trans-hospital referral or not, the most critical factor in decision making was fear of being delayed or the anxiety associated with waiting (56.9%), the second was the confidence in the same health care system (23%), and the third was the convenience in transportation and parking (20.1%). The service patients most satisfied with were the exclusively reserved daily treatment schedule (55.4%), and the free transportation shuttle to and fro the medical center and regional hospital. In general, most patients (89.2%) acknowledged this referral mode and the service quality of this regional hospital.Conclusion: Cancer is a serious disease, and both patients themselves and hospital hope to complete the treatment as soon as possible. In circumstances when medical resources can not meet the needs and referral are suggested, hospital must provide proper arrangement. In spite of transportation across district, referral within the same health care system has advantages in ensuring the execution and consistency of cancer treatment. The considerations and opinions to this referral mode can provide useful reference for medical business management and health policy making.


Radiotherapy Outpatient Referral Opinion survey
