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Travel, Landscape, and Representation: Europe and the South Seas in Robert Louis Stevenson's Travel Writings


本論文主要討論史蒂文生(Robert Louis Stevenson)三部旅行書寫-《內河航行記》(An Inland voyage, 1878)、《賽凡斯山偕驢同行》(Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes, 1879)、與《南太平洋記行》(In the South Seas, 1896),以這三部旅行書寫中的地景再現來討論旅行文本中的地景描繪如何呈現旅行者既有的文化論述、旅行者與他者的互動、以及旅行者的自我建構。論文先概略介紹這三部旅行書寫,進而討論旅行中自我與他者互動的關係,藉由普蕾特(Mary Louise Pratt)所提出的交會區(contact zone)來探尋自我改變的可能性,同時也討論文化論述對旅行書寫的影響。論文主體部分以浪漫主義的觀點來閱讀《內河航行記》與《賽凡斯山偕驢同行》,並以帝國主義論述的觀點來閱讀《南太平洋記行》。兩部描繪歐洲的旅行書寫頗能反映作者個人的文化價值,並且相當具有浪漫主義的色彩:強調個人化的旅行而非集體的觀光、如畫的地景描繪、呈現「透過自然尋找自我」的浪漫主義觀點。但是,旅行者的自我在交會區與差異極大的他者接觸之後,旅行者的自我發生轉變,在《南太平洋記行》採用「閾越的空間」(space of liminality)的對位觀點,呈現出反帝國主義的傾向,這種反帝國主義論述的傾向遭到當時西方讀者的排斥,同時在西方與南太平洋文化的兩相拉扯之下,呈現出支離破碎的文本。


This essay focuses on the discussion of landscape representation in Robert Louis Stevenson's three travel writings: An Inland Voyage (1878), Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes (1879), and In the South Seas (1896). Three questions are analyzed in the landscape representation of the three travel writings: first, how the traveller's cultural discourses are embodied in the travel writings; second, how the travelling self interacts with the Other; and thirdly, how the traveller constructs his self. After introducing the three travel writings, the essay discusses, as a theoretical framework, the interaction between the self and the Other on the contact zone, and the relationship between cultural discourses and travel writings. The essay proper investigates An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes through the discourse of Romanticism and In the South Seas through the discourse of imperialism. The two travel writings depicting European rural areas reveal the author's cultural values and demonstrates the traits of Romanticism: emphasizing the pleasure of individualist travel instead of group tourism, depicting picturesque scenery, and searching one's self through nature. However, the traveler encountered drastic transformation after his contact with the Other in the Pacific. In his last travel writing In the South Seas, Stevenson adopted a contrapuntal viewpoint located in the space of ”liminality,” challenging the Western hegemonic discourse of imperialism. His anti-imperialist tendency offended his contemporary readers, and the struggle between two cultures rendered the travel text fragmented.


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