  • 期刊


The Effects of the Sedentary Life-Style on Physical Fitness in High Graded children of Elementary School


本研究之目的在於比較兒童之生活型態對其健康體適能之差異。38位參與本研究之學童,其平均年齡、身高、體重分別為11.58 ± 0.59歲、143.75 ± 4.99公分、38.83 ± 7.74公斤。研究以口頭訪談方式調查並記錄兒童坐式生活型態時間的多寡。並進行健康體適能之各項測驗,測驗所獲得之測驗數據進行分析結果,經分析後所得的結果如下:坐式生活型態時間比較少的個體,其身體組成、肌力、肌耐力、柔軟度等各項健康體適能現況會比坐式生活型態時間比較多的個體稍微好一點;而在心肺耐力部份,坐式生活型態時間比較少的個體明顯地優於坐式生活型態時間比較多的個體。


The purpose of this study was to know the effects of the sedentary life-style on physical fitness. The average age, height and weight of the 38 subjects were 11.58 ± 0.59 year-old, 143.75 ± 4.99 centimeters, 38.83 ± 7.74 kilograms, respectively. The research investigate children’s time of sedentary life-style with interview and proceed the tests of physical fitness. The result of tests is as follow: fewer time of sedentary life-style more good than much time of sedentary life-style in body compose, muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility; fewer time of sedentary life-style more excellent than much time of sedentary life-style in cardiorespiratory fitness. The result of the research show parents shall encourage children to exercise in order to improve or keep their good health-related physical fitness.


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