  • 期刊


A Study on the Development of Physical Education In Early Postwar Taiwan Junior High School(1945-1949)


教育是百年大計,體育教育自不例外。戰後初期的台灣,教育政策配合政權的移轉而大幅修改,在諸多教育的研究成果中,對於初級中學學校體育科的研究並不多見,而此段時期史實的究明,對了解台灣初級中學體育科教育的傳承及發展而言相當重要的。因此,引發筆者研究之動機。 本研究之目的在探究民國34-38年初級中學體育科教育發展之情形。本研究以文獻分析法為主,蒐集相關資料加以分析。探究的內容包含初級中學課程標準、正課以外的體育活動、師資、場地設備等。 研究發現,戰後初級台灣的初級中學體育教育之進行,是依據教育部頒布的課程標準施行,體育課程標準的目標、內容及方法等規定,與台灣的教育實況不大符合,在推展上有其困難。其次,初級中學正課以外的體育活動在課程標準的規範下及各校的推動下蓬勃發展。此外,各學校受限於體育專業師資與場地設備不足,體育科教育的落實受到影響。


In those days concerning the objects of junior high school physical education, the guidelines were the Three People’s Principles. The objects were as follows: (1)To build up a strong constitution and grow to vigor. (2)To set up public morals, to promote team spirit, and to develop living and military skills. (3)To form hygienic habit and cultivate an attitude of laying stress on hygiene. As regards implementing general programs, there were proper administrative orgams which employed qualified personnel carry out the objects and careforlly work out the expense budget. And it was expected that stadiums and playgrounds were standardized, and the PE class schedule came up to the official standard. Also leisure time was employed to take part in various sports activities. Training courses included physical education, morning exercises, gymnastic exhibitions, sports competitions, outdoor collective activities, health check-ups and PE achievement tests. There were two PE class periods each week. The included gymnastics, dancing, recreation, ball games, athletics, self-defence, aguatic sports and ice sports. Every day students did morning exercises for fifteen minutes or twenty minutes, and took part in extracurricular activities for fifty minutes. PE courses were offered in accordance with the Standard PE Curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education. But in some special circumstances, each school could choose proper teaching material for complements. In a word, concerning the development of physical education in high school from 1945 to 1949, people kept up Japanese rules and regulations, so physical education sprang up energetically and exuberantly. But as for PE teachers, some were good and some were bad.




