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Analysis of EEG Frequency Domain in Different Skilled Level of Pistol Athletes


目的:一、瞭解空氣槍選手擊發前10秒率備狀態之腦波頻率面功率變化情形;二、比較不同技術層次空氣槍選手擊發前10秒準備狀態腦波頻率面功率之差異情形。方法:參與者為13名國內空氣槍選手,依據運動年齡及表現分為高技能組與一般組。研究設計是以多頻道腦波儀記錄選手在擊發前率備狀態時之腦波頻率面功率之變化情形,所得資料分別以平約數、t檢定、單因子重複量數變異數分析及二因子混和設計變異數分析進行統計考驗。結果:一、高技能組平均成績為284.4±2.2分,一般組平均成績為273.6±3.1分,經由獨立樣本t檢定顯示二組有顯著差異(t value=4.090)。二、選手在率備狀態之α2頻率T3電極在5個時間視窗達顯著差異水準(F(4, 12)=12.21), O2電極在5個時間視窗達顯著差異水率(F(4, 12)=13.40)。三、二組選手在α1頻率T3電極(F(1, 12)=9.08)及O2電極(F(4, 12)=6.97)之技術層次因子有主要效果;α2頻率T3電極(F(1, 12)=11.20)及O2電極(F(1, 12)=8.93)之技術層次因子有主要效果,T3電極(F(4, 12)=16.20)及O2電極(F(4, 12)=18.24_之時間因子有主要效果。結論:空氣槍選手在擊發前率備狀態時顳葉及枕葉區之α2功率顯著上升,顯示選手在此時會減少口語、分析及視覺注意力的干擾;經由腦波的偵測也發現二組選手在α1及α2功率之T3、O2電極上均有顯著差異,高技能組選手抑制口語、分析及視覺注意力干擾的能力顯著優於一般組,顯示出這部分大腦功能的自動化及效率較佳,並反映在運動成績表現上。


技術層次 腦波 空氣槍


Purposes: This study were two-fold. First, to reveal the variance of electroencephalography (EEG) frequency domain on the pre 10 second of pistol shooting. Second, to compare the different of EEG a power between the expert and non-expert. Method: Thirteen pistol athletes were recruited in current study. Based on the participated sport time shooters divided in to expert and non-expert groups. Multiple channel EEG machine was used to detect the variance of shooters' EEG frequency domain during the preparative state. The collected data were analyzed by mean, t-test, one way ANOVA, and mixed-design 2 ways ANOVA. Results: 1. There was significant difference between expert (284.4±2.2 point) and non-expert (273.6±3.1 point) at T3 and Oz channels. 2. The power of α2 of shooters at T3 (F(4, 12)=12.21) and Oz (F(4, 12)=13.40) has significant difference among five time windows during preparative period. 3. The α1 power at T3 (F(1, 12)=9.08) and Oz (F(1, 12)=8.93) channels have main effect between the two groups, the α2 power at T3 (F(1, 12)=11.20) and Oz (F(1, 12)=6.97) channels have main effect between the two groups. During the preparative state the α2 power was significant increased at T3 and Oz channels in pistol athletes, such reactivity of EEG alpha power is indicative of an economy of cortical processing and has been take to reflect a reduction in verbal, analytic and visual attention process before shot release. The α1 and α2 power of expert group were higher at temporal and occipital lobs than non-expert group, that revealed the inhibit capability of expert group in verbal, analytic and visual attention were higher than non-expert group, and documented the function of brain in automatic and efficiency that reflect on the shooting performance.


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