  • 期刊


Student Physical Activity in Special School Adapted Physical Education Classes


美國健康與人類服務部門的發表聲明中,建議學校體育課程應提供學生至少50%的時間從事中強度以上的身體活動。身心障礙者從事身體活動的機會明顯較一般人少,因此,他們普遍都缺乏身體活動。為提升其身體活動量,促進身體健康,學校體育課程是最好的媒介。目的:旨在探討特殊學校學生適應體育課程的身體活動。方法:本研究參與對象共16名,其中6名為智能障礙,自閉症6名,唐氏症4名。身體活動的測量以SOFIT(System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time)觀察系統來觀察記錄。觀察所得資料,採二因子多元共變數分析(MANCOVA)及二因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)進行各項考驗。結果:一、男生跑的時間及百分比明顯高於女生;二、智能障礙學生跑的時間及百分比明顯高於唐氏症學生;三、除了跑的時間及百分比以外,學生性別與障礙類別對其身體活動沒有顯著差異存在。結論:身心障礙學生在適應體育課程中有32.26%的時間從事中強度以上的身體活動,低於美國健康與人類服務部門所建議50%的標準。


The U.S. health recommendations are for students to have daily school physical education classes that engage children in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 50% of class time. The lack of opportunities to participate in physical activity results in lower level of physical activity among individuals with disabilities. To promote physical activity level in students with disabilities, school physical education is the best opportunity. Purpose: To examine physical activity of children with disabilities in adapted physical education classes. Methods: The SOFIT (System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time) was used to obtain information on 16 children's activity levels during adapted physical education classes in special school. A two-way multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to discern differences in student activities (lying down, sitting, standing, walking, or very active), and a two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to differentiate total energy expenditure, energy expenditure rate, and minutes and proportion in MVPA as a function of child gender and disability. Results: Boys with mental retardation allocated in running a greater number of minutes and proportion of lesson time than girls. Conclusion: Students with disabilities observed in this study received 32.26% of moderate to vigorous physical activity in school adapted physical education, falling far short of the U.S. national recommendations.


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