  • 期刊


Toward a Sociology of Sport and Habitus-The Application of Bourdieu's Theory in Sport Feild


Bourdieu在運動社會學的研究領域頗受重視和推崇。目的:介紹其社會理論中的幾個重要概念:場域、資本、慣習。方法:以原住民運動員之生存境遇的討論作為範例,試將Bourdieu的分析概念與在地議題做連結。此外,Bourdieu將運動領域視為受到社會體系影響的相對獨立的空間,而非一個封閉的體系,有助於我們掌握運動現象的社會脈絡,並將其他重要社會範疇(如階級、族群等)納入分析架構中;另一方面,Bourdieu把建構一個由各種運動項目組成之「運動實踐的空間」(the space of sporting practices)視為首要任務,因為各種運動都在此一整體性的實踐空間中佔據其特有的相對位置。結論:透過將特定運動中存在之現象/議題,或身處其中的(個別/群體)參與者,參照它們在運動實踐空間中的相對位置來加以分析,應有助於研究者獲得整體性的意義和了解。


布迪厄 慣習 資本 運動社會學


Pierre Bourdieu's work has been widely recognized over last four decades or more. Purpose: To introduce some important concepts in his social theory: champs, capital, and habitus. Methods: Based the discussion on the real life situation of Taiwanese aboriginal athletes; using it as an example to combine the theory of Bourdieu with local issues. Bourdieu had demonstrated the field of sport as an inter-independent space which could be affected by the social system. This point of view could help us further understand the social context of sports phenomenon and other important social categories, such as class and ethnicity, in our analysis framework. Besides, due to the fact that every kind of sports occupied a special position in this space of sporting practices. Conclusion: Bourdieu perceives the constitution of the space of sporting practices, which consisted by all kinds of sport, as one of the most important work of sociology of sport. Therefore, this article obtains contextual meaning and understanding through situating the phenomenon/issue of sport on the mutual position in the space of sporting practices.


Bourdieu capital habitus sociology of sport


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