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Exploring the Psychological Benefits of Physical Activity via EEG Approach: An Investigation of Research Trends Since 1990


目的:本研究主要收集自1990年後以腦波心生理測量手段探討身體活動效應之相關研究,透過一些事先設定的指標對各研究進行評析,提出對未來研究趨勢之建議。方法:以Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE,和Google Scholar八個資料庫為主要來源,將身體活動(physical activity)、腦波(electroencephalography, EEG)設為關鍵詞,搜尋1990年至2014年7月期間所發表之學術論文,並排除回顧性論文與研討會論文,篩選出105篇主要以腦波測量工具探討身體活動效益之實證研究,依腦波測量參數、身體活動測量參數、研究對象、和效益評估變項等四個項目,將各研究所採用之方法加以分類,以五年為一個區段統計各項目的數量。結果:研究數量在五個時間區間的分布有差別(χ^2 = 54.95, p < .01),腦波指標多採用alpha波(71.43%)或P3成份(71.43%);相關研究聚焦在有氧exercise的效應,在2006~2010年、2011~2014上半年的兩個區段中,採一次性身體活動介入的研究數量是多於多次性身體活動介入(χ^2 = 8.17, 6.26, p < .01);研究對象主要以健康個體為主(χ^2 = 62.49, p < .01),如以年齡來區分,則以成年人比例較高,以2006~2010年的比例為最高(70.73%);在主題上,自2001年起,以認知功能為被評估變項比例已高於情緒。結論:自1990年後,以腦波為測量手段探討身體活動效應之研究數量逐漸增多,探討面向也更多元。未來可利用較新的訊號處理方法來獲得更多元之腦波指標,並利用進階記錄與數學運算方式提升腦波訊號的時間與空間解析度,更深入了解身體活動對不同族群的心理效應。


典範 心生理學 大腦 健身運動 身體適能


Purpose: This study was to analyze the research trends among empirical studies, published from 1990 to 2014, which focused on the psychological benefits of physical activity via an EEG approach. Methods: Several database systems including the Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Google Scholar were used in the current study to target interested studies. After excluding reviewing and conference articles, a total of 105 empirical studies focusing on the effects of physical activity were obtained by using "physical activity" and "EEG" as key words. All the studies were then categorized according to four major classifications: EEG related parameters, physical activity related parameters, participants, and outcome variables. The numbers of empirical paper within these classifications were analyzed using different indicators based on a time interval of 5 years. Results: There are different research quantum across these five targeted time intervals (χ^2 = 54.95, p < .01). This study also found that alpha frequency band (71.43%) and P3 component (71.43%) were the most frequently used EEG indicators. Most studies focused on the effects of aerobic exercise and acute effects were paid more attention than chronic effects (χ^2 = 8.17, p < .01). Besides, healthy adults were the most investigated populations and cognition were the most concerned psychological outcomes than emotion since 2001. Conclusion: From 1990, increasing researchers have adopted EEG approach to explore the psychological benefits of physical activity. Different EEG indices which are retrieved from advanced data recording, processing techniques, and mathematical computing should be integrated into future endeavors on a wider population sample in this area.


paradigm psychophysiology brain exercise fitness


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