  • 期刊


A path of diligent practice: The professional development process of a novice rhythmic gymnastics coach


緒論:教練專業是競技運動發展的關鍵因素,為了教練專業發展,應鼓勵新手教練從更寬廣的學習架構裡思考教練工作,特別是從問題導向、做決定及反思的情境中去發展知識。然而,新手如何經由工作實務發展成為專家教練的歷程應被重視。因此,本研究目的在於探究韻律體操新手教練的專業發展歷程。方法:以立意取樣選取一位初級韻律體操專任運動教練進行個案研究,經由4 次的半結構式訪談,瞭解各階段專業發展的內涵、影響其專業發展因素與專業發展的需求。結果:研究參與者的專業發展歷程,歸納分析為一、待人處事態度的啟蒙,包括 (一) 嚴格的父親:態度決定高度;(二) 平庸的老師:忽略「夾心層」學生;(三) 慈祥的母親:為逐夢放手飛。二、運動員儲訓奠定「教和練」基本觀念,包括 (一) 真正的獨立;(二) 強者的自信;(三) 學、術科的淬鍊。三、朝向「大師級教練」修行,包括 (一) 專業能力與實務經驗的探索;(二) 教練職場中的困境;(三) 專業發展的破繭之道。結論:教練專業發展歷程是一個縱貫性的個人史,受到個人成長環境、運動員經歷及教練實務經驗影響。建議教練研習應增加實務課程、累積經驗知識,並建立完善的教練教育機制,未來可進一步探討運動教練教育經驗之研究。


Introduction: Coaching expertise is a key element in the development of competitive sports. In order to develop coaching expertise, we should encourage novice coaches to think about coaching from a wider learning structure, and develop knowledge especially from problem solving, decision making and self-reflection situations. Nevertheless, the practical process through which novice coaches develop into experts needs to be emphasized in a systematic study. Therefore, this study is intended to investigate the professional development process of a novice rhythmic gymnastics coach. Methods: One purposefully sampled beginner rhythmic gymnastics full-time athletic coach participated in this case study. Four semi-constructed interviews were adopted to understand the contents in each phase of professional development, factors impacting such development and the demands in such development. Results: The key elements in the participant's professional development process is summarized and analyzed as follows: 1. Enlightenment of the attitude she conducts herself, including (1) the strict father: "The attitude determines the altitude;" (2) the ordinary teacher: "Neglect medium level students;" (3) the loving mother: "Let's go and follow our dreams." 2. The athlete's training sessions have established the concepts of "coaching" and "training," including (1) the real independence; (2) confidence of a strong individual; (3) refining academic and skill subjects. 3. Diligently practice toward becoming a master coach, including (1) the explorations of expertise and practical experiences; (2) adversities in the coaching workplace; (3) the metamorphosis in professional development. Conclusion: The coaching professional development process is a longitudinal personal history, which has been influenced by the individual's growing environment, the athlete's career and practical coaching experiences. We suggest that coaching education courses have to add practical lessons where coaches can accumulate knowledge with experiences, and establish well-structured coaching education mechanism. The future research may further investigate the experience of coaching education in sport coaches.


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