  • 期刊


Modeling baseball team fans' behavioral loyalty: The perspective of emotional responses from ritualized behavior


緒論:過去文獻甚少從儀式化行為的情緒反應觀點探究職棒後援會球迷的態度與行為忠誠,本研究依據環境心理學的刺激、官感、反應三者連續過程,與儀式理論的情緒感受,探討職棒後援會球迷的擁擠經驗、集體行動等前置因子,對共睦態、出神與心流的影響,從而引出球迷的態度與行為忠誠。方法:研究實證樣本分別現場取自參與職棒賽事之「中華職業棒球聯盟」四支球隊的後援會球迷,職棒賽事施測總共3場次,平均蒐集四隊(中信兄弟、統一獅、Lamigo桃猿、義大犀牛) 球迷的樣本,有效問卷共計484份,以Smart PLS 3.0進行模型分析與假說驗證。結果:實證結果顯示擁擠經驗、集體行動此兩個前置因子,分別透過共睦態、出神與心流正向中介影響球迷的態度忠誠與行為忠誠,且共睦態、出神與心流在實證模型中皆具部分中介效果。結論:儀式性情緒感受會影響球迷的態度與行為忠誠,意即當後援會球迷在加油儀式活動,當在具擁擠的體驗環境與集體行動中,個體會彼此打破社會階層關係,發展出新的社會群體樣態,且球迷間因互相感染情緒,若達欣喜若狂或失去時間感的情緒狀態,會進而影響其後續的忠誠反應。賽事組織與職棒經營者在舉辦活動時,可運用本模型的社會環境層面之前因意涵,提升球迷的儀式化情緒反應,俾利促進球迷的忠誠。


共睦態 出神 心流 集體行動 儀式理論


Introduction: leisure sports were increasingly prevalent in Taiwan in recent years. Spectating a professional baseball game on-site had become a trend. Empirically modeling and testing baseball team fans' attitudinal and behavioral loyalty from the perspective of their emotional responses because of the ritualized behaviors in the event ground is still scarce. Based on the environment psychology theory and ritual theory, this study investigated how the supporting fans' crowdedness experience and collective action help arouse their emotional states of communitas, ecstasy and flow that could consequently lead to attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Methods: Data with 484 valid questionnaires were collected from supporting fans of the four professional baseball teams (Chinaturst Brothers, Uni-president 7-Eleven Lians, Lamigo Monkeys and EDA Rhinos) of the Chinese Professional Baseball League. Partial Least Square (PLS) procedure with Smart-PLS 3.0 was employed to test the research model and hypotheses. Results: The results indicated that the fans' emotional states of communitas, ecstasy and flow that mediate the relationship between the impact of collective action and crowdedness experience on their attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Conclusion: Emotional responses of communitas, ecstasy and flow because of the on-site ritualized behaviors of collective action and crowdedness could enforce the baseball fan's attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. That is, when baseball fans during a game orchestrate collective action for the supporting team together with perceived crowdedness from the on-site environment would allow them develop a sense of new social status. Because individual emotion affects each other, a state of time loss and ecstasy may evolve. This enforcement of the emotional responses consequently shapes the fan's loyalty. Both the event organizers and the professional baseball team management can be beneficial by the implications of our model in how to upholding fans' ritualized emotions during a series of semi-final or final games that could win their supporting loyalty.


communitas ecstasy flow collective action ritual theory


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