  • 期刊

Strength and conditioning transferring to performance from baseball perspective



The popularity of strength and conditioning specialists is rising, especially at competitive levels of sport in Asia. The aim of this review paper is to provide an overview of the findings of past and recent literature to clarify how strength and conditioning transfers to sport performance. Later in this review, baseball will be used as an example to help explain several of the specific physical qualities baseball players require to be successful, and how strength and conditioning should approach the identification and development of these qualities to improve sport performance. The body of this review will cover the following: (a) an introduction to current trends in Asian strength and conditioning, (b) the necessity of understanding periodization models, (c) understanding evidence-based training concepts for strength and power training transfer to sport, (d) baseball strength and conditioning as an example of applying literature to improve performance, and (e) a summary. It is the authors' hope that this review emphasizes the importance of strength and conditioning programs being evidence-based, that is, grounded in the scientific literature as opposed to current trends in health and fitness, or the popularity of various training methods. This review will specifically address several myths about training methods and periodization that are contrary to what is known from the scientific literature on training and performance. It is important for strength and conditioning coaches to understand fundamental concepts and sound training methods if they are to maximally impact their athletes' performance in competition.


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