  • 期刊


The Influence of Exercise and Carbohydrate on Postprandial Lipemia


高濃度的血漿三酸甘油脂(triglyceride, TG)是心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease, CVD)的主要風險因子之一。用餐後6小時,血漿TG的濃度依然比禁食狀態下的濃度高,而人體自吃完早餐之後,長時間都處於餐後高濃度血脂肪的狀態,因此如何有效提高餐後血脂肪的清除率,對於降低CVD的風險是相當重要的。研究指出,餐前單一次的運動就能有效降低餐後的血漿TG濃度,並提升血液中的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C)的濃度。運動對於餐後血漿TG濃度的影響和運動中所消耗的能量、運動強度、運動種類及運動的持續時間皆有關。在餐前12-16小時運動,比餐前1小時或是餐後的運動,對於降低血脂肪的影響更為顯著。此外,攝取過多的碳水化合物也會造成餐後血漿TG濃度的增加。運動能夠降低因攝取高碳水化合物後的血漿TG的濃度,然而,當運動結束後使用碳水化合物將運動所消耗能量回補時,運動改善餐後高血脂的效果也將會被抑制。


The high concentration of plasma triglyceride (TG) is one of the major risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Postprandial lipemia phenomena may last for over 6 hours after a meal. People spend most time of the day in postprandial state after breakfast. Therefore, to reduce postprandial TG concentration is an important task for lowering CVD risk. It has been reported that the single bout of exercise could decrease the postprandial TG concentration and increase the high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration. The scale of exercise reducing postprandial plasma TG concentrations was influenced by the energy expenditure, exercise intensity, exercise duration, and type of exercise. Exercise at 12-14 hours before the meal reduced the postprandial lipemia greater than exercise at 1 hour before the meal. In addition, ingestion of carbohydrate might increase postprandial lipemia. Exercise has been effective for lowering postprandial lipemia after high carbohydrate diet. However, when the energy expenditure from exercise was refilled by carbohydrate, the exercise effect on reducing postprandial lipemia might be diminished.


triglyeride CVD HDL-C


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