  • 期刊


The Influences of Plyometric Training on Different Surface Material


諸多文獻指出增強式訓練(plyometric training, PLY)對於訓練上有積極性的改變,在神經肌肉骨骼系統、專項表現(跳躍、短跑、敏捷和耐力等)及運動傷害預防等。但由於PLY是透過身體重量來當作負荷,並進行多元化的跳躍訓練,是屬於較中高強度的訓練,所以對於肌肉骨骼系統亦會產生很大的壓力甚至是傷害,而PLY過程中所產生的肌肉痠痛與損害風險是來自於地面反作用力的衝擊、肌肉快速收縮及高離心落地等有關,因此如何讓PLY在提昇運動表現能力的同時也降低在訓練時的傷害風險是教練及選手所關心的議題。故本文針對增強式訓練在不同材質表面的影響進行探討,進而瞭解其潛在效益,俾利教練、選手們於各專項訓練時的參考及應用。


Studies showed that plyometric training (PLY) can improve athletes performances, including jump sprint agility and endurance etc. But PLY uses body weight as a load to process multiple jump training which belongs to high magnitude training. It potentially causes great stress and further injury on musculoskeletal system. The risk is mainly from ground impact and the eccentric contraction. Therefore, it is worth to study how to use PLY to improve performance rather than get injury. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of PLY on different surface material, the result will help coaches and players to improve their training effect.


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