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Comparison of secondary education examination in PE in France, Denmark, and China




The purpose of this study is to understand the PE examination system in middle schools in France, Denmark and China, and to compare the objectives, test items, assessment methods and possible impacts of PE. Results: 1. The goal of Education Examination in PE is draw student's attention to PE learning between school and society. 2. Education Examination in PE covers national items, The items that the three countries have in common are physical ability, track and field, and ball sports. 3. France includes sport work appraisal to assess student's attitude. In addition, Denmark adopts oral test in order to assess student's individual learning efficiency in his or her acquisition of PE knowledge. In China, the Examination pays attention to the assessment of life and body quality assessment 4. PE examination system will affect the physical education curriculum and further studies, enhance the legitimacy of PE courses, teachers, students and parents Identity, and thus promote the reform of student learning.


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