  • 期刊


The experiments of stretch-shortening cycle and vertical jumps


牽張縮短循環(stretch-shortening cycle, SSC)的工作歷程是透過主要工作肌群,被牽拉伸長所執行的離心工作後,接續肌肉收縮縮短的向心工作。SSC工作能提升運動能力的效益,造成更好的運動表現。為了瞭解SSC的效果,本研究回顧了青蛙離體肌肉實驗、人類單關節運動及跳躍相關運動等實證研究。許多研究表明,通過簡單肌肉活動瞭解的力量隨著肌肉工作歷程變化、長度-張力關係和速度-張力關係等特性,用來評估SSC的作用是存在局限性,但這些提供了肌肉力學的重要基礎知識。一般來說,蹲踞跳、下蹲反跳和各種高度的深跳運動已成為研究SSC功能的實驗操作,然而,這些垂直跳躍在預先牽拉的初始條件、肌肉工作歷程和離心負荷並不具線性變化,因此,需要透過控制各種垂直跳躍來了解SSC 的作用。


蹲踞跳 下蹲反跳 深跳


The mechanism of stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is the main action muscular to perform the concentric action that is decreasing actively followed the eccentric action that is lengthened passively. The SSC benefits the enhancement of action efficacy to reinforce the peak performance. This study review the past empirical studies of isolated fibers of frog skeletal muscle, single joint movement of human being, or jump related movements to understand the advantage of the SSC. Many researches indicated that exist limitations to assess the effect of SSC by the time history, length-strength curve, and concentric velocity-strength relationship of simple muscle action, but these provided the important foundational knowledge of muscular mechanics. Generally, the movements of squat jump, countermovement jump, and various drop jumps had become the experimental manipulation to investigate the function of SSC. However, these vertical jumps are different non-linearly in the initial condition of pre-stretch, history dependence of force production, and the load of eccentric phase. The SSC has an insight into the role through the various manipulation of vertical jump.


squat jump countermovement jump drop jump


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