  • 期刊


A review of long-term athlete development: An example of tennis


運動員長期發展(long-term athlete development, LTAD)模式被先進國家廣泛運用在運動發展模式的建構上,本文目的為透過文獻回顧方式,統整美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國等先進國家運動發展模式,探討早期運動專項化及早期運動多樣化相關問題之優劣,並與教育部體育署發佈之體育政策白皮書中運動員發展架構進行比較。綜觀相關文獻發現運動發展成熟國家依循LTAD模式,規劃該國家長期運動發展計畫,計劃中強調早期運動多樣化之益處,建議青少年運動員避免過早專項化,保護運動員的身心發展。本文內容探討運動專項化之優劣處,分析LTAD發展架構,並提出建議之處,可供臺灣青少年網球發展之借鏡。


The long-term athlete development (LTAD) model has been widely used in the construction of sports development models by advanced countries. The purpose of this paper was to reorganize the development models of advanced countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom through literature review and to explore the advantages and disadvantages of early sports specialization and early sports diversification issues. Looking into the relevant literature, it is found that countries with mature sports development follow the LTAD model and plan the long-term sports development of the country. The plan emphasizes the benefits of early sports diversification and recommends that young athletes should avoid premature specialization. The content of this article explores the advantages and disadvantages of sports specialization, which can be used as a reference for Taiwan's youth training development.


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Association of Tennis Professionals Tour. (2018). Official ATP Tour website singles ranking. Retrieved from https://www.atptour.com/en/rankings/singles
