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Analysis of 4,4'-Methylene-bis (2-Chloroaniline) (MOCA) and acetyl-MOCA in urine by LC/MS/MS for MOCA Exposure Assessment


二鄰氯苯胺甲烷(4,4'-Methylene-bis(2-Chloroaniline), MOCA)為一致突變物質與動物致癌物,因為MOCA與其代謝物會和生物大分子如DNA和蛋白質反應而形成其共價鍵結物。在工業上廣泛作為固化劑之用,從事生產與使用的勞工潛在暴露於MOCA環境下對其健康的危害已受到重視。本實驗藉由分析MOCA及acetyl-MOCA,來作為MOCA暴露之生物指標,目前已成功利用固相萃取法做尿液樣品之前處理,並配合液相層析串聯式質譜儀(LC/MS/MS)建立分析MOCA與acetyl-MOCA之方法。此分析方法之偵測極限對MOCA及acetyl-MOCA分別是2ppb及0.02 ppb。此外,實驗收集並分析MOCA暴露之勞工尿液樣本結果發現一般不從事MOCA作業者,尿液中並無法分析到MOCA與acetyl-MOCA;而從事與MOCA製造或使用相關工作之作業勞工,每一尿液樣本中都可以分析到MOCA與acetyl-MOCA之含量。其中兩者的相關性則視當日是否暴露MOCA而定。數據顯示有暴露者其MOCA與acetyl-MOCA兩種指標之相關係數R^2為0.68,而他們工作前採樣所得兩種指標之相關性在0.8~0.36。結果顯示此一新發展的LC/MS/MS方法在樣品經固相萃取前處理後,對分析MOCA和acetyl-MOCA具有高度的靈敏度和選擇性。


MOCA is a mutagen and animal carcinogen. MOCA and its metabolites can react with biological macromolecules such as DNA and protein to form DNA and protein adducts. Since MOCA is used as a hardness reagent in several industries, there is the potential for negative health effects for workers in MOCA-related workplaces. Analysis of MOCA and acetyl-MOCA in biomarkers may serve as a good indicator of exposure and risk. In our study, a new liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method after solid-phase extraction was developed to analyze MOCA and acetyl-MOCA in the urine of workers exposed to MOCA. This method gave a low detection limit of 2 ppb for MOCA and 0.02 ppb for acetyl-MOCA. Our results showed that MOCA and acetyl-MOCA were detectable in urine collected from MOCA-exposed workers, but were not detectable in urine from unexposed workers. The correlation coefficient R^2 between urinary MOCA and acetyl-MOCA was 0.68 for urine collected after the shift, but 0.8~0.36 before the shift. These results demonstrate that the newly developed LC/MS/MS technique is highly sensitive and has good selectivity for analyzing MOCA and acetyl-MOCA after solid-phase extraction.


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