  • 期刊


A Study on the Contribution of Individual Noise Sources in a multi-source Workplace




The adverse effect of noise hazards on workers needs to be considered before new plants are constructed. By estimating the contribution of various sources during the design stage, the occurrence of noise-induced hearing loss and the cost of engineering controls that may have to be developed in the future can be minimized. Noise suppression in the workplace is typically accomplished by measures such as installation of sound absorption/isolation material. The aim of this research, however, is to identify the dominant sources contributing to the noise exposure of workers. By suppressing noise at these dominant sources, the cost of engineering can be minimized. This experimental study was conducted in a laboratory with a simple environment. First, both the sound power of the noise source and the reverberation time of the room were measured. Based on this data, the sound pressure distribution was predicted through theoretical models of room acoustics and the simulation software RAMSETE. Then, the effect of each noise source on the noise exposure of the workers was determined. The predicted sound pressure distribution was compared to measured values in order to investigate the feasibility of estimating the noise contribution of different sources through this approach. The results indicate that the proposed method is helpful in predicting sound pressure and evaluating noise contribution for noise control in the workplace. Given a worker's location and exposure duration, it is also possible to forecast the noise exposure of the worker.


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