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Joint Naval Action of Four Powers in Response to Shipping Securities on Upper Yangtze, 1920-25




Shipping security problem on upper Yangtze is getting worse in the first half of 1920s. Under the Washington Conference System, Britain, United States, France and Japan try to take a joint military action to protect foreign interest. This kind of action seems to be strong but does not work effectively due to the circumstances, such as old and scarce gunboats, internal quarrels, and the discord of military cooperation. It is doubted whether the highhanded joint naval demonstration of foreign powers can really stop Chinese soldiers and bandits from firing on foreign steamers. Besides, civil wars in Szechuan and Hupei also challenge foreign navies' ability and prestige. Furthermore, the enhanced naval interference may violate Chinese sovereignty for some parts. Especially foreign gunboats' patrolling on internal waters in a high profile, deploying blue-jacks on merchant vessels, or sending marines on land to carry out protecting mission will definitely trigger Chinese nationalism's indignation. Sometimes gunboats or blue-jacks on vessels may over react to the firing from ashore and incur innocent civilian casualties, that will result in local residents' wrath. If this kind of rage is agitated intentionally, hatred of foreigners will increase and spread out, and a new wave of anti-foreign sentiment and boycott follows. In other word, the joint exhibition of foreign naval force may foment new national resentment instead of solving shipping security problems. Thus, the validity of Washington Conference System is also doubted.


Department of State.(1960).Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of China, 1910-1929.Washington, D.C.:The National Archives.
The War Department.(1987).Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China, 1918-1941.Washington D.C.:The National Archives and Records Administration.
Department of State.(1938).(Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States).
Foreign Office..Central Correspondence, Political, China, 1905-1940.London:Public Record Office.
Foreign Office..China, Embassy and Consular Archives, Correspondence, 1834-1930.London:Public Record Office.
